That’s just what happened to one charming toddler, who finally got adopted after many years. The couple who adopted him had no idea why no one wanted that little boy. However, when the truth was revealed, they were frightened for their very lives!
Meet Anna
Anna Martin had an exciting career and was only 27 years old. However, she realized that she hadn’t been very successful in her love life. She knew exactly what she wanted, and that included a significant other to share children and a home with. Could it happen?!

Meet Anna
An Alpha Female
While the culture and times had changed, people still had preconceived notions about things. Female success wasn’t very attractive to men, and most guys found it a turn-off. However, Anna knew someone could accept her for who she was!

An Alpha Female
Anna’s Vacations
Since Anna was single, she liked to go on vacations alone or with a few friends when they had time available. Apart from work travel, she liked getting out there to boost her satisfaction with life and create happiness all around her.

Anna’s Vacations
The Fantasy Man
Finding love while on a trip has become a popular trend. Anna didn’t think she could experience a budding romance, but she was happy to learn to love herself even more. However, she got more than she thought was possible!

The Fantasy Man
The Romance
Anna met up with a group of travelers on their way to Argentina. When she arrived at the cafe, she was instantly drawn to a shy man found in the back of the group. While he didn’t say much, she got his name – Patrick.

The Romance
Drawn In
Patrick and Anna hit it off well on the trip to Argentina. He liked to travel, and they soon realized that they shared an interest in many hobbies. It began a deep connection with each other, and that closeness continued during the vacation.

Drawn In
Meet Patrick
The stars started aligning for Anna and Patrick because they discovered they lived in the same city and neighborhood. Patrick was a firefighter and had various battle wounds because of that work. Typically, that included strains and sprains.

Meet Patrick
His Life Changed
Patrick loved his job as a firefighter, but he decided to resign after sustaining a terrible injury. The head injury was severe enough for him to spend many months in the hospital. Now, he wanted to be a junior marketer.

His Life Changed
Igniting the Romance
Everyone saw how madly in love Patrick and Anna were. Their relationship was filled with excellent experiences and memories and was quite rewarding. Their love only deepened when they moved in together and started enjoying the music scene.

Igniting The Romance
I Love You
The couple was fully satisfied with their relationship and had already gotten past the “I love you” stage. They both decided to make conscious efforts to stay in love, even with busy schedules. Eventually, Patrick asked Anna to marry him and take the relationship to the ultimate level.

I Love You
The Marriage
It wasn’t long before Patrick and Anna realized that they were truly meant for each other. That’s why they found it so easy to get married. Though they dated for two years, they couldn’t wait to be husband and wife. Still, that happiness didn’t last forever.

The Marriage
The Fairytale
Marriage was like a fairytale for Anna. She had only been married a few months, but they learned to approach all types of sensitive matters. It was clear that they made the right choice and were sure to have a healthy marriage.

The Fairytale
Baby on the Brain
After they got married, they lived in a bubble for a while. However, they soon noticed that something was missing. Anna hadn’t conceived a baby yet, even though they tried hard. That was hard for them because they wanted a home filled with kids.

Baby On The Brain
Some Unexpected News
The couple had already been married a year and decided to have a baby. However, nothing happened, so they chose to see a doctor. At the appointment, Patrick learned that he didn’t have healthy sperm. What could they do now?!

Some Unexpected News
A Silver Lining
Before they went to the doctor, they went to couples’ counseling sessions to learn about their sexual habits. The counselor gave them advice to help them get pregnant, but that didn’t work. Now, the couple only had two options.

A Silver Lining
Their Options
Patrick had been taking fertility medication to improve sperm quality. However, that didn’t help, even when he changed his lifestyle. Therefore, the doctor recommended either adoption or artificial insemination. The couple now had a decision to make!

Their Options
Weighing the Choices
There’s no wrong or right way to have a baby now because of the many medical technology advancements. The doctor talked to the couple about harvesting sperm and egg cells for artificial insemination. These choices were challenging to make, and Anna burst into tears!

Weighing The Choices
Shifting Toward Adoption
The couple started adoption counseling and were curious about the entire process. During the sessions, they learned why they wanted children so badly. It was a chance for them to fully enjoy their existence in the world, and that’s why they pushed to adopt.

Shifting Toward Adoption
A Life-Changing Moment
Anna wanted to carry her own children in her belly and wasn’t completely sure about adoption. However, she didn’t like the idea of artificial insemination, either. She was torn but ultimately knew that adopting was a life-changing moment for both of them.

A Life Changing Moment
The Decision
Patrick didn’t want artificial insemination because it felt weird. Instead, he believed that adoption was the best option so that an abandoned baby could have a better life. Anna decided to reach out to others who had adopted, and they finally decided adoption was the right choice for them.

The Decision
A Life-Changing Visit
Anna and Patrick knew they wanted to adopt. Naturally, they were nervous and excited to start the process. After talking to the doctor, they went to the orphanage he recommended. However, they had no idea that visit might change their lives so much.

A Life Changing Visit
The Couple’s Wish
Teenagers are often placed in foster care but are rarely considered for adoption. That’s because couples prefer to adopt a baby so that they can go through all the stages of life. Patrick and Anna had a similar idea for their new addition to the family.

The Couple’s Wish
The Extraordinary Encounter
Anna was excited to be led to the baby section. However, a young boy caught their eye as they made their way there. He was very reserved and quiet, and Anna had to know more. She asked the woman about the little boy and learned some shocking news.

The Extraordinary Encounter
Meet Billy
The social worker realized that the couple was fixated on this young boy and introduced Billy to Anna and Patrick. He was only 6 years old and had been there his whole life. In fact, he lost his mother during a car accident and had been there ever since.

Meet Billy
Tears Rolled
Anna learned of Billy’s sad story and was brought to tears because he had no forever home. It was strange for Billy not to get adopted when he was a baby. However, the social worker promised he was healthy and well-behaved.

Tears Rolled
Billy on the Brain
Anna couldn’t get Billy out of her mind. She still wondered why he hadn’t gotten adopted when he was younger. What went wrong? It was clear that some mistake had occurred, and Anna felt she could fix it.

Baby On The Brain
Anna started to believe that something bad had happened to Billy, and no one wished to talk about it. That could be the only possible explanation! Though Anna wanted a baby initially, she was so drawn to Billy, and she learned Patrick felt that way, too!

Righting the Wrong
It was quite strange that no one wanted this young boy when he was a baby. However, the couple decided they could give Billy a forever home! Patrick picked up the phone, called the orphanage, and gave it the green-light to start the adoption process for this young man!

Righting The Wrong
The Next Steps
There are many ways to adopt a child, but the couple chose to work directly with the orphanage. The adoption process took months, and this was a happy time for them. Some families find it nerve-wracking, but it was insightful and pleasant for Patrick and Anna.

The Next Steps
Becoming a Family
Bringing Billy home was something Patrick and Anna dreamed about all the time. They couldn’t wait until they could add Billy to their little family. When the adoption process was completed, Anna and Billy were inseparable.

Becoming A Family
A Gut Feeling
Billy settled into his new house quite well. However, the couple was still puzzled about why he hadn’t been adopted as a baby. After pondering it all, they realized something wasn’t quite right.

A Gut Feeling
A Unique Bond
While the Martins were very skeptical, they decided to keep Billy as close as possible. They were cautious and had plenty of bonding time to ensure that he felt safe and happy in his new home. In fact, the couple had to adapt to this new lifestyle, too!

A Unique Bond
The Waiting Time Bomb
The Martins were very happy for 12 years, and Billy had no signs of health problems. He was perfectly healthy, though he did suffer from severe allergies at times. Once he turned 18, things started to change – for the worse.

The Waiting Time Bomb
For Billy
This poor family got phone calls all the time, but the caller remained silent. Anna and Patrick feared they had a stalker. Then, a letter arrived for Billy when he went to college. They waited until he returned and opened it.

For Billy
The Letter
The letter’s contents were shocking enough, but it was even scarier to see who sent the message. Billy’s biological father had found him and wanted to meet his son as an adult. The fear of losing their son broke Patrick’s and Anna’s hearts.

The Letter
Billy’s Life-Changing Moment
Their family was torn into pieces. Anna was just too emotional to deal with it, but Billy was in shock. Patrick and Anna had no idea who Billy’s father was. In fact, his name hadn’t been mentioned on the paperwork or during the process of adoption.

Billy’s Life Changing Moment
Never Crossed Their Minds
The Martins were excited about Billy and hadn’t thought to ask about his dad during the adoption. Billy was legally their son, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t panic. After the letter arrived, they wished they had asked about the dad sooner.

Never Crossed Their Minds
Patty O’Reilly
They finally realized why no one wanted to adopt Billy when they learned who his biological dad was. Patty O’Reilly was his name, and he was a notorious mob boss. In fact, he was in prison during the adoption process!

Patty O’Reilly
Time-Sensitive Info
There wasn’t much time to think about everything after they read the letter. It turned out that there was time-sensitive information included in the note. Patty was out of prison now, and Billy’s decision shocked everyone.

Time Sensitive Info
The Outcome
Billy decided to meet his biological dad. While Patrick and Anna worried, they knew it was right. After meeting him, they realized that he just wanted to know his son and not introduce him into the mob world. Now, all four of them have lunch and hang out.

The Outcome