One family visited the beach on a warm, sunny day, just as many other tourists have done in the past. They believed it was a regular day for them to see the sights and relax by the water. However, their son then felt something try to push him into the ocean. What was the creature, and could it be harmful?
Something Stirs
The water shifted in the light’s reflection, almost as if something was under it. Then, one boy felt it touch his feet, almost causing him to lose balance. He hurried up the stairs, hoping he was safe. However, he wanted to see what it was, not expecting its sheer size!

Something Stirs
The Legendary Creature
Everyone enjoys La Gomera because it’s well-known for its gorgeous beaches and landscapes. Visitors come from everywhere to the Spanish Canary Islands and that place in particular. However, no one ever saw something like that, causing rumors to spread about what lived in the shallow waters of the beach.

The Legendary Creature
Beneath the Waves
Joel was enjoying his vacation at the Valle Gran Rey resort until he met with a horrific sight. The small family wanted to surf, but he wasn’t as overjoyed once he realized that something was beneath him while he played!

Beneath The Waves
The Footage
Thankfully, Joe’s full encounter was caught on film, but he didn’t have a clue that his YouTube video could go viral. It had more than 50 million views and was circulated on all social media platforms. The video starts with the boy in the water.

The Footage
Watching and Waiting
Joel was just playing in the water, but something else wanted to join in. The water was frothing, and something in it barreled straight for him. Finally, it reared its alien-like head. Did Joel see it before it reached him?!

Watching And Waiting
The Illusion
As fast as the creature came, it left. People wondered if they had seen anything at all and thought it might be a trick of their minds. The current could have made it feel like there was something, but they checked his footage, realizing how lucky they were!

The Illusion
Black Mass Rises
Soon, the animal returned with black water churning. It’s a nightmare to experience something that isn’t there touching you. However, it’s even worse when it reappears and proves you were right initially.

Black Mass Rises
Crowd Warnings
People watching this event shouted at the boy to get out of the water. They worried that the creature was a shark. However, Joel wanted to know what tried knocking him into the water, hoping it was a whale.

Crowd Warnings
What It Could Be
Humpback whales can get close to harbors. About 300 are spotted each year in New York’s harbor, searching for food. Once Joel assessed the situation, he realized it wasn’t a whale. It was too nimble, which caused him to want more information.

What It Could Be
An Unforgettable Scene
Joel went up the steps to stay safe and get a better view. He turned, seeing a sight that no one could ever forget. The enormous creature came from the sea, dragging itself onto the lowest step, almost ready to touch the boy!

An Unforgettable Scene
In the video, it was possible to see the creature’s full size. Water rolled from its back to reveal a colossal and oily body. Joel had never been accosted by one or seen one before. Everyone was in shock, waiting to see what happened.

An Unearthly Creature
This nearly unearthly creature lurched forward, causing onlookers to give a startled cry when they saw what it was. It was a huge manta ray, spanning 4 meters wide. Was it dangerous, and why was it after Joel?

An Unearthly Creature
The giant manta ray was larger than the boy, at roughly triple the size. Everyone begged Joel to come back, but he wasn’t scared. In fact, he was smiling and hollered that everything was okay. This creature wasn’t what they believed.

Sliding His Hand Inside
Joel now knew what to do. He had been visiting this spot for a few days and was well aware of what the manta ray needed. The crowd watched while the creature opened up its mouth, letting Joel put a hand inside and then open up the fist.

Sliding His Hand Inside
A Sense of Danger
Everyone watched as the boy put a hand into this beast’s mouth. They all worried he might get injured by this wild animal, but that never happened. Still, no one could have expected what happened next!

A Sense Of Danger
Wild Animal
The wild animal opened up its mouth, waiting until Joel removed his hand before biting down. Everyone uttered a gasp of relief when they saw the beautiful scene happening right in front of their eyes.

Wild Animal
This manta ray was unafraid of humans and had learned of a good way to grab a meal. It came up to the tourists, who fed it when they had gotten over the shock. Joel had food in his hand, trying to tempt the creature.

The Happy Manta Ray
After Joel fed it a few times, he stroked the animal’s back. This manta ray ended up waving a fin as if to say thanks. Then, it left for a while, coming back to get some more petting, and finally headed out to sea once more.

The Happy Manta Ray
Waiting for Treats
The fishing harbor was a place for many unbelievable scenes, and the Vueltas people knew this. They recognized the creatures, realizing that the manta rays follow fishing boats to get some treats. However, the sailors and fishermen weren’t always tolerant.

Waiting For Treats
The Omen
These creatures were very large and strong, which is why the superstitions on manta rays persisted. Some sailors thought that they were bad luck. However, another side of these beautiful animals was revealed in 1978.

The Omen
The Friendly Giant
California divers filmed the interactions they had with the manta rays in the bay, showing people that they weren’t a threat and were actually placid. However, more people shared their recorded experiences as social media became more popular.

The Friendly Giant
Needing Help
In one such video, some divers located a stingray. It started swimming toward them, showing that it was caught in someone’s net. They untangled it so that it could go on its merry way. However, this highlights a danger that the rays face.

Needing Help
Many rays get entangled in fishing nets. In fact, it happens so frequently that the conservationists believe this species might go extinct. Footage of the friendly beasts can help, and manta tourism is now popular because of the videos.

Manta tourism can raise awareness of the manta’s plight, boosting the local economy. Indonesia has actually banned manta fishing, finding that tourism is more profitable. One hunted ray brings in $500, but live animal attractions earn about $1 million within the animal’s lifetime.

Another Very Curious Creature
An unknown creature actually ended up causing mayhem out in Wareham, Massachusetts, with the police station seeing the worst of it. Calls were coming in each day, with people seeing a threatening creature swimming all around. However, there was a big problem.

Another Very Curious Creature
Worried Locals
Some callers had terrifying accounts to tell, but many others thought the creature was hurt. Garry Buckminster claimed to get calls at his personal number beginning at 6:30 a.m. Everyone who called was concerned, though they all had different stories.

Worried Locals
Similar Reports
While each call was different, everyone said that the creature moved in a strange way. It used jerky movements and was quite large. Some believed it was a dangerous shark, but others feared it was an injured seal. Still, the truth shocked everybody!

Similar Reports
Sending Detectives
Buckminster knew he had to solve the mystery, so he sent two officers out to search the cove. Soon, they noticed it in the water. When they got a bit closer, they saw that it was a Sunfish, an interesting animal.

Sending Detectives
The Sunfish
They confirmed that this creature wasn’t suffering and was fine. That’s just how it swims, so it looks clumsy from farther away. However, the tourists continued calling, causing the police to issue a statement explaining the Sunfish. Soon, it was a source of amusement for everyone.

The Sunfish
Raising Awareness
As overfishing, climate change, and pollution affect the oceans, conservation efforts are necessary. While the encounters of Joel and the police made great videos, they bring awareness to those species. People see more of them, realizing that they’re friendly and sensitive.

Raising Awareness
Beach Time
Hunter really wanted to go to the beach. The 7-year-old finally got there and raced to the waves. He hoped to collect shells, build sandcastles, and go snorkeling, which was a lot, so he had to start immediately.

Beach Time
A Great Start
The weather was perfect, and there weren’t many people there. The boy had the beach all to himself. He was hoping to do all sorts of things, and then his mom said he could go farther than normal. However, she didn’t know that it was such a bad idea.

A Great Start
Something New
Hunter wandered along the shore, dragging his feet in the sand and kicking at the waves. Normally, snails, shells, and driftwood caught his attention, but this time, he noticed a flash of blue that he’d never seen before.

Something New
Questioning It
He inched ever closer and was highly curious. Could it be a pretty stone or a seashell? Hunter liked to read books, so he was confident right now. However, he thought that it might be trash, and that was a bummer. Overall, he saw that it was alive!

Questioning It
Very Strange
This creature looked alien and had tendrils. It twitched and swayed with the water, and Hunter knew his parents had to see it. What if he had discovered a new species? Overall, his knowledge and love of nature saved his life that day!

Very Strange
Being Careful
Hunter knew that many dangerous things lived in the ocean. Therefore, he scooped up the creature with a shovel, putting it in his bucket. Then, he rushed to his dad, showing him. However, his dad was instantly fearful!

Being Careful
Terrified Dad
His dad demanded that Hunter put it down like it was a bomb. This caused the boy’s joy to drain, and he set down the bucket with shaking hands. Something was very wrong, and then his dad said that they couldn’t go swimming that day.

Terrified Dad
The Local Warnings
Hunter was desperate to know what was happening. Finally, his dad picked up his phone to check the local news. The creatures weren’t new, but they were well-known and extremely dangerous.

The Local Warnings
Type of Slug
The sea animals were actually blue dragon slugs. They were very toxic and should never be touched. While Hunter was scared to have come across it, he was still curious. Therefore, his dad handed him the phone to learn more.

Type Of Slug
Better Safe
The local government had issued a warning to the people in the area. That’s why no one was at this beach. It just goes to show that education and awareness are very important!

Better Safe