Bystanders Call the Police When Man Won’t Let an Older Gentleman Go

Published on December 4, 2022
Older people usually have issues getting around. They often ask for help, and most people are happy to oblige whenever possible. One man was very confused about where he was.

George walked around the local mall browsing the shops, and an older man approached him. The guy looked confused and shaky and was asking for assistance. However, George couldn’t react because another man arrived and grabbed the old man’s arm to lead him away.

Still, the look of confusion and slight fear in the old man’s eyes made George follow the pair to determine what was happening. Was it a simple misunderstanding or something sinister?!

Strong Grip

George wanted to confront the man because he felt something was wrong. In fact, he believed the old man was in danger. He wondered why this younger man had a strong grip on the senior citizen’s arm. This caused bystanders to get involved quickly!

Strong Grip

Strong Grip


George yelled at the young man, asking him to stop. However, he kept going, which attracted even more attention. Now, the older gentleman seemed to want to talk while looking over his shoulder. However, the young guy whispered something that caused the senior to pale.




Black Van

George chose to follow the pair so that he didn’t cause a scene. However, he felt fear because the younger man was now quickening his pace. Just as George got outside, he saw the old man getting pushed into a black van and driving away. He asked the bystanders to call the police.

Black Van

Black Van


Calling the Cops

A bystander happened to have a cell phone and called the police. Soon, every officer was on the scene at the local mall. George was impatient until they arrived, even though they got there fast. They couldn’t waste time if that old man got kidnapped!

Calling the Cops

Calling the Cops



The cops questioned George to determine what had happened. He actually wished he could have done more. Was this a crime scene? It seemed like it with so many police officers. Plus, they questioned all the bystanders, with one claiming to have seen the senior citizen before.




Every Second Counts

That bystander was immediately put into another room. The police had to get any information he had because each second counted at that point. If that older gentleman was kidnapped, they had to avoid wasting time and must do something about it.

Every Second Counts

Every Second Counts


Store Owner

Jack owned one of the shops in the mall and saw the old man come around a few times every month. That was a great lead, but there was also a problem. No one knew who the younger man was. How could they find him and see if the senior citizen had gotten kidnapped?

Store Owner

Store Owner


Security Cameras

Jack had security cameras in place and gave the cops permission to check them. Hopefully, that would lead them to the younger man. In fact, Jack cooperated fully with their investigation and ran to get the backups from his computer servers. Then, something strange surfaced.

Security Cameras

Security Cameras


Checking the Footage

When the cops checked the security footage, they soon learned that the young man tried dodging the cameras. He seemed to know where each one was, which made him look even more suspicious. As the police viewed older tapes, they realized something even worse!

Checking the Footage

Checking the Footage


Background Checks

The senior citizen was shown on his own each Monday. However, it appeared that the younger man had been watching him. Therefore, the police ran a background check on the old man and realized that he was filthy rich!

Background Checks

Background Checks


Hedge Fund Manager

The older gentleman had made tons of money trading stocks because he was a hedge fund manager. This was a huge motive for the younger man because he clearly hoped to extort cash from the senior citizen. The police now monitored those bank accounts for clues.

Hedge Fund Manager

Hedge Fund Manager


Cameras Outside

While all that happened, other cops checked the cameras outside the property. They got a full visual of the van, and it wasn’t there initially. Therefore, it appeared an accomplice was helping the younger man. This was a truly elaborate extortion plan!

Cameras Outside

Cameras Outside


Number Plate

Because of the cameras outside the building, the cops saw the van’s license plate numbers. There was even more trouble; when they ran the plates, they learned that vehicle had been reported stolen on that day. Therefore, the lead was out the window, but they soon got a hit!

Number Plate

Number Plate


Tracking It Down

Many traffic cameras caught the van, making it easy to track. Therefore, police officers went to its last known location, bringing George with them to identify the pair. However, they were quickly shocked with horror once they arrived on the scene!

Tracking It Down

Tracking It Down


Burned Out

They located the van, though it was fully burned. It appeared that the kidnappers were trying to hide the evidence of their crimes. Now, they used George to get a better idea of who the young man was. He was now their only lead, and everyone hoped to find the old man alive!

Burned Out

Burned Out


A Drawing

George had to work with a composite drawer and provide as many details about the young man’s appearance as possible. Therefore, the police could get a clearer picture of the suspect. Once they were finished, the cops ran it through their database to get hits.

A Drawing

A Drawing


Identity Match

After a few seconds, something amazing happened! They got the match they wanted. Immediately, the police captain’s face lost all color because he realized who their criminal was. He did a double-take because it just couldn’t be that guy!

Identity Match

Identity Match


Local Gang

The match came back for Marcus Lee, a well-known felon in the area. He was actually the local gang leader before going to prison. He had gotten released a few months ago, and they were on his trail because he didn’t report to the parole officer. This wasn’t good!

Local Gang

Local Gang


High Alert

The police captain had to put the force on high alert. They were now solely focused on locating Marcus Lee to find out where the old man was. Now, they gathered a list of accomplices, finding that Lee’s former driver was their top choice.

High Alert

High Alert


Rounding Up Dave

The cops grabbed Dave, taking him to the station. However, he was confused about the incident. Finally, he put things together, realizing that Marcus got him in trouble. Dave talked about Marcus asking him for help on a job, with him declining the offer. However, no one believed him!

Rounding Up Dave

Rounding Up Dave


Stacks of Cash

While the police searched Dave’s home, they found large amounts of money, and Dave had no good explanation of why it was there. Overall, the cops had to throw him in a holding cell to keep him in one spot while they cracked his cell phone to get Marcus’ number.

Stacks of Cash

Stacks of Cash


Calling Marcus

Once they retrieved the cell phone data, they saw that Marcus had called Dave earlier with a message that he required help. The cops demanded that Dave tell the truth, and his alibi held up. Finally, they asked him to call Lee; a human being was in trouble!

Calling Marcus

Calling Marcus


Calling Back

Dave agreed, calling Lee’s number twice. Though he wanted to stop, Marcus returned the last call. Dave answered, putting the call on speakerphone so that the police could hear Marcus. He sounded very suspicious, as though he was hiding something.

Calling Back

Calling Back


Track Him Down

Marcus didn’t want to speak to Dave, convincing the cops that Dave was actually innocent. Luckily, Lee stayed on that call long enough to get tracked. The pings showed him at a warehouse, and everyone wondered if the older gentleman was also there.

Track Him Down

Track Him Down


The Warehouse

Available police officers went straight to the warehouse, along with a hostage negotiator. There were plenty of workers around because it was a shipyard. Luckily, Marcus didn’t run when the cops showed up, but his look of confusion put them off slightly.

The Warehouse

The Warehouse


Taking Him In

The police officers brought Marcus to the police station by force. He struggled a little because he said he hadn’t done anything wrong. This man felt attacked! Finally, the cops asked him about the older gentleman, but Marcus wouldn’t say anything about the situation!

Taking Him In

Taking Him In



Now, George was asked to be part of a lineup, and he identified Marcus as the one who kidnaped the senior citizen. In fact, there wasn’t any hesitation! Marcus was the bad guy here, and they needed him to give them information quickly.




Caught in the Act

Marcus had no idea why he was being questioned and didn’t speak. Finally, the cops showed a picture of the old gentleman, and he turned as pale as a ghost. This made him look suspicious, and the cops believed he was the kidnapper; he was caught in the act!

Caught in the Act

Caught in the Act


No Credibility

Marcus now claimed that he hadn’t hurt the man. This confirmed that he knew the senior citizen, but he claimed he hadn’t the slightest idea of his richness and hadn’t done anything. Still, there was no credibility since he had committed crimes in the past.

No Credibility

No Credibility


Finding the Old Man

Marcus refused to say much more, and the phone rang within the police station. On the other end, a female police officer said that she’d found the old gentleman at one of Marcus’s houses. He heard the conversation and went pale.

Finding the Old Man

Finding the Old Man



The police officers immediately went to the house, finding a confused senior citizen. He actually seemed to fear for his life and refused to go with the police. In fact, he begged them to go away before there was trouble.




Not Recognizing

The cops believed the old man thought Marcus would come back, and he was scared of what would happen to him if he left. Eventually, they got him to the police station. He stared straight at Marcus and said he had no idea who the young man was.

Not Recognizing

Not Recognizing


Sinister Laugh

Marcus laughed a little, which confused the cops. What was going on here? They hadn’t experienced something like this before. Was the senior citizen under so much pressure that he couldn’t blame his assailant at all?

Sinister Laugh

Sinister Laugh


Gary Cries

The older gentleman started crying and told the officers he wished to go home. Therefore, the cops asked him why he was at Marcus’s house. Gary answered and told them that he’d been searching for his daughter.

Gary Cries

Gary Cries


Barging In

Marcus tried to interrupt the cops and offer assistance, but they silenced him because they felt he had done enough harm to Gary. They told him to get comfortable in small spaces because he was going to jail. Then, Marcus’s parole officer barged in.

Barging In

Barging In


Release Him

The parole officer demanded that they release Marcus because he had done nothing wrong. Everyone was confused, including the police captain. Gary recognized the parole officer but not Marcus. Finally, they got an explanation.

Release Him

Release Him


Marcus Explains

Marcus was released from jail a few months ago and wanted charity work. Therefore, the parole officer put him in touch with an elderly home. Overall, Marcus knew Gary but had no idea of his background. The poor man had memory loss, making things more difficult.

Marcus Explains

Marcus Explains


Looking for His Daughter

In fact, Marcus was the volunteer caretaker for Gary, but Gary forgot where he was and Marcus all the time. Therefore, he started searching for his daughter so that they could visit the mall. It all made sense now!

Looking for His Daughter

Looking for His Daughter



Everything was out in the open now. Gary was heading to the nursing home in that van, but it had gotten into an accident and burned completely. Marcus then lost Gary in the mall and had to search for him.




Unfortunate Circumstances

Marcus went to all the places Gary liked, including the mall and shipyard. However, Gary went straight to Marcus’s house as it was familiar. A kidnapping had never taken place. In fact, it was all a simple misunderstanding!

Unfortunate Circumstances

Unfortunate Circumstances