Neighbor Filmed Garbage Man Eating a Child’s Cupcake

Published on February 28, 2023
You’ve likely seen countless people throughout the day while you’re running errands and dealing with life. Sometimes, you might give a nod or wave at them to show that you noticed them, but that’s generally all you do.

One little girl enjoyed waving at the garbage man in the neighborhood. She went outside each time, and it became their routine. The child liked to watch him work, and he didn’t mind the mini entourage while he performed his job. Why would he eat her cupcake, and did he know about the neighbor watching and filming the encounter? Continue reading to learn more!

Getting Out of the Truck

The garbage truck passed through the neighborhood like it did each Thursday. However, the man inside got out, standing in the street. It appeared he was waiting for something. A 3-year-old child, Brooklyn Andracke, came out while the woman recorded it all.

Getting Out of the Truck

Getting Out of the Truck

Delvar Dopson’s Story

Delvar Dopson had been the garbage man in that neighborhood for many years, so everyone knew him. Mostly, he kept to himself, rarely talking to anyone. However, one neighbor got to know him, and now millions of people do because of the recorded encounter.

Delvar Dopson's Story

Delvar Dopson’s Story


No One Knows Him

Our story takes place in Bloomington, Illinois, and focuses on what happens in communities. Most people didn’t personally know Delvar, but he was a friendly man. He established a relationship with one family in the neighborhood – the Andrackes.

No One Knows Him

No One Knows Him


A Particular Greeting

Dopson greeted that family every Thursday and had a special way of doing it. Though he wouldn’t normally get out of the garbage truck, he would wave and honk. Why did he do this? Was he friends with that family?!

A Particular Greeting

A Particular Greeting


Little Brooklyn

No, he didn’t know the family personally. However, Brooklyn, the daughter, was a big fan of the garbage man. This 3-year-old enjoyed seeing that large truck rumble down the street, and she made sure everyone knew it!

Little Brooklyn

Little Brooklyn


Waiting for Him

Every time, she would wait at the window to wave at the truck while it went through. In fact, it was the highlight. Traci Andracke, her mother, claimed that Dopson was her favorite because he always had a smile on his face.

Waiting for Him

Waiting for Him


Becoming a Routine

The spectacle went on for a few weeks, and soon, Delvar knew that the pair would be watching out the window to wait for him. Brooklyn was always happy when he waved and honked, but she was ecstatic when she got the chance to meet him in person!

Becoming a Routine

Becoming a Routine


Leaving the House

One time, Traci and Brooklyn left their home on Thursday morning, standing outside to wave at Dopson while the truck went by. After that, the little girl only cared about the man who drove the vehicle.

Leaving the House

Leaving the House


Huge Fan

Brooklyn was now Dopson’s top fan. She couldn’t get enough of the gentle man and always anticipated Thursday mornings. He was appreciative that someone liked him honking and waving. It created a mutual kindness for the pair.

Huge Fan

Huge Fan


Brooklyn’s Birthday

On Brooklyn’s 4th birthday, she was happy, but one thing got to her: it was a Wednesday. She wanted to wave to Dopson as he drove down the street in the garbage truck. Her mother came up with a plan, and the neighbor filmed it all!

Brooklyn's Birthday

Brooklyn’s Birthday


Wanted Dopson There

The mother-daughter duo truly wished Dopson could be there and celebrate Brooklyn’s birthday with her. She wondered if there was something they could do for him, even though it was no longer her big day. They came up with an amazing plan.

Wanted Dopson There

Wanted Dopson There


Finally Meeting Delvar

Since he couldn’t be there on her birthday, she wanted to do something that included him. Therefore, when her mom woke her up, she got a cupcake from her party and proceeded to wait in front of their house. They motioned for him to stop when he appeared in the truck.

Finally Meeting Delvar

Finally Meeting Delvar


Giving Him a Cupcake

Delvar saw the mother-daughter duo from his truck, honking and waving like normal. However, he realized they were telling him to stop, and he did. Walking toward them, he became emotional when Brooklyn handed him a birthday cupcake and told him she wished he could have stopped by.

Giving Him a Cupcake

Giving Him a Cupcake


She Was Ecstatic

Traci told reporters that Brooklyn was so happy to finally meet her favorite garbage man. She was actually starstruck and couldn’t come up with the words. Therefore, Traci had to do most of the talking. This was unusual because Brooklyn’s always so chatty!

She Was Ecstatic

She Was Ecstatic


So Very Shy

In most cases, Brooklyn could always think of something to say. She was overjoyed and very shy. Though watching the truck and seeing Dopson wave was one thing, she felt like she was meeting a movie star when he was in front of her!

So Very Shy

So Very Shy


Best Day Ever

Traci explained everything to Dopson, saying that he brought joy each Thursday when he waved and honked from the garbage truck. While she took Brooklyn to daycare, she noticed her daughter was quiet. When asked about it, Brooklyn said she was so happy!

Best Day Ever

Best Day Ever


Making Her Day

Brooklyn didn’t say much to Dopson, but she was thrilled to meet her all-time favorite person. Traci told him that he truly made their day every Thursday. They were appreciative of the honking and waving.

Making Her Day

Making Her Day


Delvar Comes Back

The next Thursday, Brooklyn and Traci were outside waiting for Delvar’s truck. He stopped in front of them, holding a box. Smiling, he handed it to the little girl. This surprised them, and they rushed to learn what was inside.

Delvar Comes Back

Delvar Comes Back


Delvar’s Gift

Inside the box were plenty of toys from “Frozen.” This was Brooklyn’s favorite movie, and the little girl was overcome with emotion and excitement, thanking him many times. He gave her a high-five before leaving to complete his rounds.

Delvar's Gift

Delvar’s Gift


Thanking Delvar

One week later, Brooklyn was outside waiting on her favorite garbage man. She held a sign with “Thank You, Delvar” on it. He pulled up as normal, getting out of his truck so that she could give him the homemade poster!

Thanking Delvar

Thanking Delvar


The Tears Flowed

Dopson began crying and immediately hung the sign on the garbage truck for everyone in the neighborhood to see. They were so happy that he had made Brooklyn’s birthday a memorable one. Though he didn’t expect anything, he was speechless!

The Tears Flowed

The Tears Flowed


Far from Over

Social media helps things go viral, and today’s fast-paced world is driven by it. Ordinary people often hit the spotlight, but the stories are quickly forgotten. That wasn’t the case for Delvar!

Far from Over

Far from Over


His Big Dreams

Before Dopson got popular through social media, he had focused on doing better for himself. Though he liked being a garbage man, he thought of this as a stepping stone. Now, it was time for him to make his dreams a reality.

His Big Dreams

His Big Dreams


Kindness at Every Turn

Those who heard the story believed it was a one-time deal. However, they learned that his kindness wasn’t an isolated incident! Delvar worked hard to bring joy to all the neighborhood kids, and his mission wasn’t finished yet!

Kindness at Every Turn

Kindness at Every Turn


The Next Step

Delvar loved his wife very much, and he was a unique individual. This shone through brightly, regardless of what he did. After being a garbage man, he could now focus on his passion and launch his new career!

The Next Step

The Next Step


Working Tirelessly

Millions of people heard about his kindness toward Brooklyn, but they didn’t know that he did something special at night. This garbage man was studying to learn a new profession that didn’t involve a truck!

Working Tirelessly

Working Tirelessly



Could this man go beyond the garbage truck and do something he’d always dreamed of doing? He put in a lot of hard work and was dedicated, and it was sure to pay off. Still, he had to wait for that news, and he badly needed to hear it.




The News He Needed

Delvar had put in all the effort and was so close to his new life. He’d worked many hours, but he was simply waiting for results. Finally, the news was confirmed – he was a licensed Realtor. Immediately, he shared the information with his friends on social media.

The News He Needed

The News He Needed


Good News Keeps Coming

Learning the news made Delvar extremely happy. He didn’t mind being the garbage man, but he wanted a life beyond it. Instead of simply hoping or dreaming, he made it happen, moving to Henderson to start his new career.

Good News Keeps Coming

Good News Keeps Coming


Magnetic Personality

Delvar had a magnetic personality, and it helped him get a prestigious gig working at Realty One. Now, he was a Realtor and had accomplished his dreams. Plus, he wasn’t done yet!

Magnetic Personality

Magnetic Personality


Other Dreams

His mother had always told him to be the best he could be and instilled a passion in him. Therefore, he wished to start a movement by helping others. He could ensure that they did their best, and it was time to move to the next level.

Other Dreams

Other Dreams


The Next Chapter

Delvar had a zest for life and wanted to share that with others. Inspiring them wasn’t enough; he wanted to be a beacon for others and create a special movement. Finally, the pieces came together for him to be a motivational speaker and leader.

The Next Chapter

The Next Chapter


Pieces Come Together

It seemed that everything was falling into place for Delvar, and it was shocking to realize that it all began with one little girl’s cupcake. The story went viral, and now the puzzle connected, with all the pieces fitting.

Pieces Come Together

Pieces Come Together


The Movement

Delvar was part of the Eregon 206 movement and shared his journey with others to help inspire them. He led by example, focusing on leadership, fitness, self-love, empowerment, and self-care. He’s trying to stay grounded while indulging his Realtor passion.

The Movement

The Movement


Back to His Roots

The fame and support Dopson received began after showing kindness to one kid. He loves children and tries to be around them whenever possible. He says they’ve got the best hearts, and it’s impossible to argue with that.

Back to His Roots

Back to His Roots


Come a Long Way

Delvar has come a long way from sharing a cupcake with Brooklyn. He’s now living in a new city, but you might wonder what happened to Brooklyn. She started it all for him, but was she upset that her favorite garbage man left?

Come a Long Way

Come a Long Way


Brooklyn and Delvar

Delvar hasn’t stopped being friends with Brooklyn and her family. He never forgot her and always visited whenever possible. Now, she’s 9 years old and has her own baby brother. Dopson also posts on social media about his bond with them.

Brooklyn and Delvar

Brooklyn and Delvar


An Inspiration

Dopson has a large online following now. The fame started with little Brooklyn, but he’s become an inspiration for many others. Some would have exploited all that fame, but he uses the viral story and his platform for better things.

An Inspiration

An Inspiration


What a Ride

Delvar never imagined the impact he might make on himself or the Andracke’s when he became a garbage man for the neighborhood. It’s been many years, but the video has been viewed millions of times. Things change, but he often thinks about that moment.

What a Ride

What a Ride


Pay It Forward

His mission is to spread kindness and joy everywhere while motivating others to do the same. He’s shown that you can change your circumstances with a simple act. If you’re sweet and kind, anything is possible!

Pay It Forward

Pay It Forward