This Hedgehog and Fox Have An Adorable Nightly Dinner Together

Published on December 16, 2021
It’s pretty rare to spot a fox, especially if you don’t live in England. There, they make frequent appearances in people’s backyards, since so many homes are built near forests, where the foxes typically live. As time passes, foxes become more bold and venture out into neighborhood to look for food. This incredible story involves a fox and a brave little hedgehog that struck up an unlikely friendship.

Foxes In England

Many English people have gotten so used to seeing a fox running around the neighborhood, especially at night, that it’s not something that frightens them. It’s pretty common to see a fox digging a hole in the yard. What might surprise you is the fact that foxes are actually quite friendly.

Foxes In England

Foxes In England

Tasty Treats

As humans become more used to the presence of the foxes, they tend to start to feed them. Wildlife experts actually say that this is a good practice, since a lot of foxes can no longer hunt for themselves. Without the food that humans give them, they would die.

Tasty Treats

Tasty Treats


Can’t Get Their Own Food

Due to so many homes being built around forests, the foxes haven’t been able to hunt for their own food. The homes take up land, therefore decreasing the space for other animals to roam, and the foxes are forced to go into neighborhoods to search for food.

Can't Get Their Own Food

Can’t Get Their Own Food


Who Can Help

A lot of people experience seeing foxes coming up to their back yard in order to look for some late night dinner. One woman decided to document this experience and discovered a wonderful story along the way.

Who Can Help

Who Can Help


Lucy Goacher Is Her Name

Lucy Goacher lives in England and is one of the people that experienced nightly visits from foxes at her home. She felt bad seeing them searching for food, so she decided to feed them.

Lucy Goacher Is Her Name

Lucy Goacher Is Her Name


Don’t Go Hungry

As it becomes harder and harder for the foxes to feed themselves, the chance that they’ll starve continues to rise. Lucy was one of the people who knows how important it is to help save them, and she felt a sense of duty to feed them, since she had plenty of extra food anyway.

Don't Go Hungry

Don’t Go Hungry


Gentle Creatures

Lucy shared that although foxes have a bad reputation, they’re actually very gentle animals that don’t attack humans. All they want is to get some food and then head back home to the woods.

Gentle Creatures

Gentle Creatures


Where’s the Food

Luxy had already been feeding the foxes for a long time, when one day she forgot to fill the bowls she left outside for them. The foxes came as usual to eat their dinner, and what they did next shocked her completely.

Where's the Food

Where’s the Food


Excuse Me, Please

The foxes got into a routine of being fed at the same time each night, and when this didn’t happen, they were truly confused. One of the foxes chose to be bold and actually tapped on her back door. How incredible is that?

Excuse Me, Please

Excuse Me, Please


I’m Just Hungry

Lucy loves sharing this story because it truly shows what foxes are really like. While many believe them to be cunning in many portrayals in the media (like a lot of cartoons), they are a lot more gentle than you’d expect. They’re just looking for some food and a bit of kindness.

I'm Just Hungry

I’m Just Hungry


A Crazy Situation

Since the fox tapped on Lucy’s door, it meant that he was smart enough to let her know that he has discovered a problem. He had to let her know that she had forgotten to feed them and that they were still there!

A Crazy Situation

A Crazy Situation


The Group of Friends

A lot of people might freak out if they saw a group of foxes congregated in the backyard, waiting to be fed. However, since this happened so often, it had become totally routine for Lucy. That’s why she almost never forgot to feed them.

The Group Of Friends

The Group Of Friends


Howdy, Friend

As you might imagine, soon enough, it became known that Lucy was a friend to hungry animals. She wondered just how the animals communicated to one another that there was a nice human leaving out food for them. However they communicated it, soon enough other animals showed up as well.

Howdy, Friend

Howdy, Friend


Everyone’s Hungry

Lucy started to noticed some other visitors showing up in her backyard each night. It was exciting enough to see foxes, but soon another species decided to show up for the dinners as well.

Everyone's Hungry

Everyone’s Hungry


It’s Me, Mr. Hedgehog

An adorable little hedgehog decided to start showing up for the nightly meals. Somehow he had heard of the free food being put out, and so he decided it was time for him to check it out for himself.

It's Me, Mr. Hedgehog

It’s Me, Mr. Hedgehog


What Happens at Lucy’s…

Lucy was absolutely shocked to see when this tiny little guy decided to join in and reach into the bowl for some food. She started taking photos immediately, knowing that this amazing sight had to be documented.

What Happens at Lucy's...

What Happens at Lucy’s…


Are We All Friends Here

Lucy had to wonder, would the little hedgehog be okay amongst all the foxes? She had no idea what the dynamic between these animals was and so she decided to observe. What she saw next truly stunned her.

Are We All Friends Here

Are We All Friends Here


Just Can’t Wait

Initially, the little guy was a bit nervous to eat at the bowl since he was intimidated by all of the big foxes nearby. Lucy could see that he was hungry and soon enough, he got over his initial trepidation and approached the bowl.

Just Can't Wait

Just Can’t Wait


I’m Going In

All of a sudden, the hedgehog decided to reach the bowl first and really went to town on it. However, the foxes were very quick and they sprang to action. Lucy was really worried, and she watched with bated breath.

I'm Going In

I’m Going In


Being Patient

What happened next was truly incredibly. Instead of being aggressive or moving the hedgehog out of the way, the fox that approached him waited patiently for his turn to eat the food. It’s pretty crazy that the fox waited for the hedgehog to eat first.

Being Patient

Being Patient


It’s Hard Being a Hedgehog

The little hedgehog was super hungry, and so he took a decent amount of time to eat. Despite this, the fox didn’t come close and never bothered him. We wonder what made this little hedgehog so hungry.

It's Hard Being a Hedgehog

It’s Hard Being a Hedgehog


Too Much Food

So how does Lucy feel about feeding so many wild animals? It was so nice of her to feed them all, but it surely started to add up, right? Here’s what she had to say about that.

Too Much Food

Too Much Food


It’s a Blessing

Lucy shared that she doesn’t mind feeding all of the animals because they didn’t really eat that much anyway. She said it was no different from feeding stray dogs and cats. Of course, she said that it helps that they weren’t picky at all and they had no problem eating whatever she put out.

It's a Blessing

It’s a Blessing


So Tiny

Lucy was really worried about the hedgehog. Although they didn’t seem aggressive with him, she was wondering if they could ever get agitated and attack the little guy. There was no way for him to defend himself. However, soon she realized that she didn’t need to worry.

So Tiny

So Tiny


Uh-Oh, Trouble’s Brewing

One time, she was watching the nightly dinner. The foxes waited for their turn until the hedgehog was done eating. One fox got impatient since he was very hungry. Lucy immediately tensed up, sensing some trouble and wondering if this was the end of the hedgehog.

Uh-Oh, Trouble's Brewing

Uh-Oh, Trouble’s Brewing


When You’re the Best of Friends

However, she was stunned to see that there would be no fight to the death. In fact, the very opposite happened. The fox did not want to fight, he was just trying to become friendly with the hedgehog.

When You're the Best of Friends

When You’re the Best of Friends


I Just Want to Get to Know You

Foxes are naturally curious animals, and the fox just wanted to get to know the hedgehog better. So how did the hedgehog respond to this? Was he completely frightened to death?

I Just Want To Get To Know You

I Just Want To Get To Know You


Odd Couple

Many people wouldn’t expect foxes and hedgehogs to become friends. This is probably due to the disparity between their sizes, since the fox is so much bigger. Also, foxes do have the tendency to harm other animals while they are hungry.

Odd Couple

Odd Couple


What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Lucy wondered what was going through the hedgehogs mind. Was he worried about getting hurt, or worse…? Initially, he didn’t noticed the fox approaching him, but soon he realized he was no longer at the bowl alone.

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

What Could Possibly Go Wrong


They Get Along

As unbelievable as this sounds, the two actually started getting along. Lucy was so relieved to see this and was amazed by how these two very different animals could become friends. They actually even began to eat at the same time each night. So what about the other foxes?

They Get Along

They Get Along


The Other Foxes

While you might expect the other foxes to not be as patient as the kind fox, but they actually never even came forward. The other foxes continued to wait patiently for their turns as the hedgehog and the fox continued to nightly dinner together.

The Other Foxes

The Other Foxes


It Works for Everyone

Lucy was amazed by the animals’ friendship. The hedgehog no longer needed to fear the foxes, since his friend was his protector. Now, the fox doesn’t need to wait until the hedgehog is finished eating. The two benefit greatly from their wonderful friendship.

It Works For Everyone

It Works For Everyone


Simple Act of Kindness

The most amazing part of this story is the fact that thanks to Lucy’s generosity, these two became friends. It all started with her simple act of kindness of leaving out food, and it truly makes her happy to think about it.

Simple Act Of Kindness

Simple Act Of Kindness


One Nice Gesture for Friendship

One day, Lucy decided to put out some food for hungry animals. She didn’t do it for personal gain, but just because she felt like it was the right thing to do. Thanks to this act of kindness, she got to witness a beautiful friendship between the hedgehog and fox.

One Nice Gesture For Friendship

One Nice Gesture For Friendship


What About Us

You might be wondering what happened with the other foxes. Did they ever get to eat? Interestingly enough, they never came forward. Perhaps the first fox was the main leader of the pack.

What About Us

What About Us


We Always Share

Even though the other foxes were not part of the friendship, the fox and the hedgehog never finished all of the food and always left some for the other foxes when they were done eating.

We Always Share

We Always Share


The Sausage Story

Lucy tried out giving different types of food. Whens he gave them sausages, they snatched them and ran away. Funnily enough, Lucy wanted to watch them eat. That way she would be sure that they were the ones getting the food that they worked for.

The Sausage Story

The Sausage Story


They Call Me Miss Fox

Since Lucy started out feeding just the foxes, the bowl she made for them said “Miss Fox.” The hedgehog didn’t care, since he obviously can’t read. To him, all that matters is whether or not the bowl is full of food!

They Call Me Miss Fox

They Call Me Miss Fox


The Friendliest Hedgehog

As their nightly ritual continues, what’s in the bowl doesn’t matter. What matters is the fact that they are being fed and that they have been able to become such fast friends. The hedgehog became a social butterfly after being so timid at first.

The Friendliest Hedgehog

The Friendliest Hedgehog


The Cat and the Fox

Now, Lucy felt like it was time to introduce the backyard gang to her pet cat. Now the fox and the hedgehog became friendly with the cat. Perhaps we can all learn from these friendly animals that despite our differences, we can all become friends and share a meal together.

The Cat And The Fox

The Cat And The Fox


Good Friends?

We are so used to seeing portrayals of different species of animals not get along, especially mice and cats and cats and dogs. Maybe it’s because of cartoons like Tom & Jerry, but the reality is that animals across different species can certainly become friends.

Good Friends?

Good Friends?


Living In Harmony

The story of Hassel and Hannes shows how animals can overcome stereotypes and become best friends. Bert Jonkhans, a professional photographer, was able to document their incredible story in an incredibly adorable photo series.

Living In Harmony

Living In Harmony


Hessel and Hannes

He told that the two formed a truly inspiring beautiful friendship. Labrador Retriever Hessel and Hannes the cat live in the Netherlands with their family.

Hessel And Hannes

Hessel And Hannes


Used To It

Bert shared their story: “We got Hannes as a kitten when Hessel was 1 years old. The family where Hannes was born also had a dog. So Hannes was already used to dogs when he came to live with us.”

Used To It

Used To It


Weary At First

Hessel was initially a bit shocked when Hannes showed up at first. Bert said that: “Hessel wasn’t fond of cats; like a characteristic dog, he thought cats were for chasing.”

Weary At First

Weary At First


A New Life

“Then Hannes came into his life; a curious little kitten, who followed him everywhere in the house, slept on his bed and ate from his food bowl,” Vert continued. Hessel slowly began to get used to life with Hannes in the house.

A New Life

A New Life


Accepting Hannes

Although at first he wasn’t sure about having a new furry sibling, Hassel responded so well to Hannes. Bert shared: “From day one Hessel accepted Hannes completely, being the silly, sweet dog he is.”

Accepting Hannes

Accepting Hannes


The Gentle Giant

Like a lot of dogs, Hessel doesn’t realize how strong he is or how big he is. Vert shared: “A real Labrador, Hessel can be boorish, so he didn’t understand his body is too heavy for lying on top of the cat. But Hessel always approaches Hannes calmly.”

The Gentle Giant

The Gentle Giant


Fiesty Kitty

On the other hand. Hannes was never afraid to show that he can keep up with Hessel, even though he is smaller. Bert said: “On the other hand, Hannes loves attacking Hessel. Especially when Hessel is asleep, or just walking by.”

Fiesty Kitty

Fiesty Kitty


Hannes’ Antics

Bert shared that Hannes enjoys messing around with Hessel. He said: “For example Hannes is sitting on the back of the couch, Hessel walks by and Hannes is giving him a whack on his buttocks. Then he immediately runs away, hoping Hessel will come after him.”

Hannes Antics

Hannes Antics


Where’s Hannes?

He also said: “…they also love to sleep together. In the beginning we sometimes couldn’t find the cat. We looked everywhere and would find a little cat tail under the dog.” How cute is that?

Where's Hannes?

Where’s Hannes?


Is That Comfortable?

A lot of people wondered how this could be comfortable for Hannes. No need to worry, though! Bert said: “Lying with the dog is, of course, a very warm place for a cat, he doesn’t mind the dog being all over him.”

Is That Comfortable

Is That Comfortable


Growing Together

As the years went on, two grew closer and closer and live together harmoniously. Bert said: “They are calmer now that they are older. So the playing and attacking from Hannes has lessened.”

Growing Together

Growing Together


Who’s The Boss

A lot of people wondered which one is the dominant of the two. So who is it? Bert shared the answer: “Over the years they still are the best friends, Hannes is the boss though.” It shows that no matter your size, you can still totally be the boss.

Who's The Boss

Who’s The Boss


Their Habits

As the two age and become calmer, their antics have also calmed down. Even though they still do play together, it’s not as hyperactive like it was when they first met. Bert says: “Most of the time they sleep with each other.”

Their Habits

Their Habits


Big Cat Mentality

Perhaps Hannes is under the impression that he too is a large dog like Hessel. Bert said: “We assume that Hannes thinks he’s a dog also. He eats like a dog, he loves water, loves chasing balls, listens to his name and hates to be alone.”

Big Cat Mentality

Big Cat Mentality


A Surprise

Years after Hannes joined the family, Bert made a decision that could shake everything up. How would Hannes and Hessel respond to this sudden change to their lives?

A Surprise

A Surprise


A New Friend

Bert made the decision to add another dog to the family. He shared: “Millie is 7 years and was also used to cats when she came into our house.” So how did Hannes and Hessel respond to the new addition to their family?

A New Friend

A New Friend


Love Is Earned

How did the two response to Millie? According to Bert: “Hannes and Millie accept each other and sometimes sleep together, but they do not have the same bond Hessel and Hannes have.” Maybe it would just take some time until Millie was accepted into the crew.

Love Is Earned

Love Is Earned


One Happy Family

Bert shared: “It’s great living with them, and my camera is always in the neighborhood.” It’s incredible to see animals of different species and breeds getting along so beautifully and accepting one another so wholly.

One Happy Family

One Happy Family