Woman Takes What Appears to Be a Kitten to the Groomer and Discovers This

Published on May 21, 2023
Sarah had brought her furry creature to the pet groomer. She told James it was a cat, and he didn’t expect anything strange. However, he was shocked to learn that it wasn’t a cat at all. As he brushed the pet’s fur, he grew suspicious quickly. The characteristics of this animal didn’t line up with a cat, but he tried to continue regardless.

Finally, his eye caught something he couldn’t ignore! He asked Sarah a few questions that people with cats should know. She couldn’t answer them and became nervous. When he asked where she found the animal, her answer shocked him. So what was going on here?

A Nearby Forest

Sarah loved exploring the forest near her small village. She’d lived there her whole life and knew everything about the wilderness. However, she chose to take a different route, which led her to discover the cat.

A Nearby Forest

A Nearby Forest

Always Watching

Though Sarah knew the forest well, she was always looking for new or interesting creatures. In fact, she loved wild animals and spent most of her free time learning their behaviors and habits. However, nothing prepared her for her shocking discovery!

Always Watching

Always Watching


Interesting Cave

After choosing a new route, Sarah found a small cave among the trees. She’d never seen it before, and she believed it was calling to her for an adventure. In fact, there was an odd feeling to look inside, so she did so.

Interesting Cave

Interesting Cave


Entering the Cave

With no hesitation at all, Sarah went into the cave because her curiosity got the better of her. It was cold and dark, but she didn’t care. In fact, she loved exploring new things, and this was a great opportunity for her.

Entering the Cave

Entering the Cave


Big Chamber Within

Sarah went deeper into the cave and felt uneasy, but she wouldn’t turn back. Finally, she found a large chamber in the center of the cave and was shocked that it was so large. In fact, she’d never seen anything like this, but she was soon fearful for her life!

Big Chamber Within

Big Chamber Within


Something Happened

When Sarah went further in, she stumbled on a strange-looking animal and was intrigued. The creature had a shaggy fur coat, snout-like nose, and floppy ears that went in every direction. She’d never seen anything like it and had to know more!

Something Happened

Something Happened


Dangerous Eyes

The creature’s eyes were strange, but she could see it was harmless and friendly. Suddenly, she was affectionate toward the animal and had to help it. Though it seemed like a cat, she hoped that she wasn’t in danger!

Dangerous Eyes

Dangerous Eyes


Approaching the Animal

Sarah carefully approached the creature and could see that it was in a very bad state. It had matted and tangled fur and was covered in mud. Overall, it needed help, and Sarah had to do something for it.

Approaching the Animal

Approaching the Animal


Out of the Cave

Sarah carefully and gently picked the animal up and carried it with her to go home. It wasn’t afraid and let her do her job. While it was friendly initially, things changed when she got out of the cave and into the sunlight!

Out of the Cave

Out of the Cave


A Better Look

Initially, the animal jumped from her arms and went back into the cave. She tried again, being slower and more careful. After a while, it adapted, and she could see it better. Was it a cat? She wasn’t sure, but it was time to take it home.

A Better Look

A Better Look


A Man Approaches

She walked through her village while holding the creature. Everyone stopped to stare in amazement because it looked so odd. Some asked if it was a cat, but she shrugged her shoulders while smiling. In fact, she wasn’t sure!

A Man Approaches

A Man Approaches


Back Home Again

When Sarah got home, she put the animal on a blanket and started grooming it. Overall, it took hours to wash the dirt and mud away and comb the fur. As she did this, the creature looked more exotic and beautiful than ever!

Back Home Again

Back Home Again


Amazing Change

After many hours of grooming, the animal looked gorgeous. The fur was shiny and soft, and the creature looked content. In fact, Sarah had never seen anything like that before and grabbed her laptop to do research.

Amazing Change

Amazing Change


Nothing to Find

She opened the laptop and looked for pictures of similar animals to this one. Though she spent hours online, she got no results. Therefore, she needed another way to determine the type of animal she had in her house.

Nothing to Find

Nothing to Find


The Cat Groomer

Sarah chose to take the animal to a local cat groomer to determine what it was. She searched online for one, calling the closest option. After making an appointment, she rushed there, sometimes ignoring traffic rules because she was so excited.

The Cat Groomer

The Cat Groomer


Eager to Learn

Sarah went into the shop confidently and held the animal. The groomers were all amazed by its beauty and uniqueness. In fact, they hadn’t seen anything like this before and wanted to know more!

Eager to Learn

Eager to Learn



The groomer asked many questions to investigate the matter and realized that the creature wasn’t a cat. Sarah could tell by the man’s look that he was worried. In fact, something might be terribly wrong here!




Calling the Cops

They questioned Sarah about this animal and suspected that it wasn’t a strange cat. Plus, Sarah couldn’t answer basic questions about it, so they called the police. Soon, a team of cops were on the scene!

Calling the Cops

Calling the Cops


The Police Arrive

The police officers were amazed by the creature, too, and quickly investigated. They consulted with experts, ran tests, and tried to find out what it was. Sarah felt sorry for the creature because of it all, wishing she’d left it in the cave.

The Police Arrive

The Police Arrive



Soon, the animal had had enough and escaped through a window. She knew it was in danger and wanted to find and help it. However, the police officers were no help. Therefore, she had to do it all herself.




Back to the Forest

Sarah went back to the forest to search. She scanned the trees and followed tracks for hours, but she couldn’t locate the creature. Overall, she assumed it would be fearful of people after all the testing.

Back to the Forest

Back to the Forest


Losing Time

The sun was starting to set, and Sarah began to lose hope. She’d searched for a long time and hadn’t found the creature or signs of it. Just as she decided to go home, she heard rustling from the bushes. Could it be her new friend?

Losing Time

Losing Time


The Bush

She froze to listen hard and saw some movement out of the corner of her eye. Her heart raced while she followed it, though she was careful to drop to her hands and knees. Once she saw it, she couldn’t believe it!

The Bush

The Bush


A Close Look

Sarah noticed the creature was huddled in a clearing and had newborn babies. The police would find it and the little ones, and it scared her to think they might be harmed or tested. Therefore, she took them all home to protect them.

A Close Look

A Close Look


Going in the Back

When Sarah got home, she saw cop cars at her house. It was crazy, but she had to protect the mama and babies. Therefore, she parked far away and walked to the back garden, coming in from the back door.

Going in the Back

Going in the Back


Not Knowing

Initially, things went well. Sarah fed and took care of the creatures, and they were thriving. However, they made noise and became active at night. She worried because the cops were still at her house, waiting.

Not Knowing

Not Knowing


A Knock at the Door

Sarah heard someone knocking on the door. She had to open it and saw police officers outside. They claimed to have received reports of loud noises from within her house. Therefore, they must investigate.

A Knock at the Door

A Knock at the Door


Telling a Lie

Sarah tried telling a lie, but the cops wanted to get inside her home. They pushed her to the side and walked in. There, they saw the creatures huddled together and knew Sarah had hidden them from them. She was in big trouble now!

Telling a Lie

Telling a Lie


The Arrest

Sarah didn’t know what to do and tried to protest. However, the officers handcuffed her and put her in the back of a police car. As she was walking outside, she nearly cried at the view she got.

The Arrest

The Arrest



The cops were aggressively grabbing those poor creatures with no mercy. She couldn’t understand their cruelty and yelled for them to be careful. They finally took her to the police station, and she wondered if she’d go to jail for trying to help animals.




At the Police Station

Everyone knew of the situation when Sarah got to the police station, and they seemed angry at her. She could see the disgust. Why were they treating her like a criminal? She didn’t have long to wonder because they put her in the interrogation room.

At the Police Station

At the Police Station


The Interrogation Room

She sat in the small room for what felt like hours. Finally, two detectives came in and questioned her. She wasn’t easy to break, refusing to answer and demanding to talk to a lawyer.

The Interrogation Room

The Interrogation Room


Aggressive Approach

The detectives used aggressive techniques to get her to talk and put pressure on her. However, she knew it was crazy for them to treat her like this. Still, she had to be careful because what she said would be used against her later.

Aggressive Approach

Aggressive Approach


Staying Calm

Sarah was scared that she might go to jail, and the detectives used that to intimidate her more. However, she stayed calm and wouldn’t speak. She knew her rights and wasn’t going to talk until she got legal representation.

Staying Calm

Staying Calm


Her Lawyer

After a long period of time, Sarah’s lawyer showed up. She explained the situation to her lawyer, and he told her she had done nothing wrong and wouldn’t go to jail. The police were only trying to frighten her for more information.

Her Lawyer

Her Lawyer


The Lawyer Speaks

The police officers came in, and the lawyer spoke to them. They agreed that they couldn’t hold her at the police station, and she was relieved to be able to go home. However, she wanted to know what she’d found and what they’d do to them.

The Lawyer Speaks

The Lawyer Speaks


Acting Nice

Sarah explained that she had the creatures’ best interests at heart and wished to help. She didn’t want them to be experimented on and said it was animal abuse. Finally, the officers agreed to explain.

Acting Nice

Acting Nice


The Confidentiality Contract

Before they’d tell her, she had to sign a contract saying that she wouldn’t tell others about what she had learned. She agreed, and the cops handed her some papers. Without reading them, she signed to know the truth!

The Confidentiality Contract

The Confidentiality Contract


The Truth

The officers started telling Sarah that she had found a new breed of cat from prehistoric times. Scientists had been searching for decades to find it. Suddenly, another officer came in to say that one of the creatures was doing poorly. They rushed to see it.

The Truth

The Truth



Things had improved when they got there, and Sarah asked if she could take them back to her house. They allowed this, but she had to find permanent homes for them quickly. Overall, she was so happy with the outcome!

**This story is fictitious and is for entertainment purposes only.**

