Man Hears Some Strange Noises Under His Driveway and Investigates

Published on December 29, 2022
Most people don’t believe everything they hear, even if they think the paranormal or unexplained phenomena are real. Simon Marks was that man. Whether he thought the paranormal was real or not, he couldn’t just sit back and hope it was a ghost.

After damaging part of his house a little, he began hearing odd noises underneath his driveway. He questioned the sounds and wondered what they could be.

Initially, he believed it was an animal, but his driveway was paved; there was no air for an animal to breathe! It took a lot of digging to figure things out. Keep reading to learn what he found underneath his driveway!

Bad Day Gets Worse

Simon Marks damaged his home and decided to investigate. He got on his knees to check under his vehicle and heard a strange sound. His heart dropped, and he worried what it might be.

Bad Day Gets Worse

Bad Day Gets Worse

The New House

You never know what you’re walking into when purchasing a house. Simon Marks was just 37 years old when he found a great deal in Luton, England, and had to buy it. However, he didn’t wonder why the previous owner was so keen to get rid of it.

The New House

The New House


His First Night

A few months later, Marks was finally unpacking in his new house. He was tired after all that work, so he climbed into bed. Simon set his alarm and settled in for the night, wondering how much shorter his commute to work might be. Then, he noticed a strange noise.

His First Night

His First Night


Late-night Investigation

Marks tried not to breathe or make any sounds until he heard it again. It appeared to be outside and was dull and muted. Peering out the window, he checked for gravel scraping on metal but saw nothing. Though he didn’t realize it, something shifted under his home.

Late Night Investigation

Late Night Investigation


Discovery in the Driveway

Simon was heading to work the next day and put his car into reverse. However, it lurched forward because the wheel was caught on something. He cursed and revved his engine until the vehicle jumped backward. Marks was upset when he saw what got stuck under the tire.

Discovery In The Driveway

Discovery In The Driveway


Caving In

He knelt to see and saw that the driveway pavers were all cracked. As he watched, his driveway just started caving in! Marks quickly jumped back while concrete fell and crumbled into the hole. What did he see when the dust settled?

Caving In

Caving In


Shouldn’t Be There

Marks had checked the house plans and knew that an elderly couple had built this house in the 1970s, but nothing else was included. When it was safe, he laid down on his pavers and saw something glinting in the earth. He decided to dig it out!

Shouldn't Be There

Shouldn’t Be There



Once he started, the dirt gave away easily, allowing him to see metal in the soil. He uncovered it with his hands and tried to grip it and pull it out. However, this rusted piece of metal didn’t budge! Simon dug around it to free it and realized it was attached to something below.




What’s Beneath

When Simon saw the opening like a black hole, his mind raced. Could his vehicle or home be swallowed by this sinkhole? Upon further inspection, he realized it was man-made. Was this something sinister? He called his dad for backup!

What's Beneath

What’s Beneath


A Rusted Ladder

Gerald was Simon’s father and arrived at the scene. They didn’t have professional tools and equipment, but they still got rid of the cracked concrete to see a rectangular hole. In the darkness, there was a lone rusted ladder. Overall, they had to know what was down there!

A Rusted Ladder

A Rusted Ladder


The Deep Dig

Simon had already researched this home before he bought it. Therefore, the ordinance surveys couldn’t help him get information on the mysterious passageway. According to all the reports, nothing else was here before that house. A shiver rushed down his back.

The Deep Dig

The Deep Dig


The Descent

The father-son duo dug out many shovelfuls of packed mud, using buckets to cart it away. Their pile grew bigger each hour, and they finally removed roughly 5 feet of dirt. That allowed them to climb into the hole and investigate.

The Descent

The Descent


Hidden Rooms

Simon decided to climb halfway down and felt strangely that it might not be safe to go further. He grabbed his selfie stick from inside the house, put his phone in it, and lowered it into that hole. There, he noticed underground passageways with two rooms.

Hidden Rooms

Hidden Rooms


Unearthing the Secret

He had bought the home for $500,000, but clearly, the land had been used as something else for a while. The elderly man was the home’s original owner, but he didn’t divulge what was beneath it. Those sounds Simon heard were from the earth falling into the secret room!

Unearthing The Secret

Unearthing The Secret


Strategically Located

Simon and his father decided to start researching and put off the digging part. They searched for the plot number and realized the property was empty before the previous owners bought it. Gerald said that it was a strategic location for the town.

Strategically Located

Strategically Located


More Research

Gerald initially saw an air-raid shelter when he viewed the pictures. They used Google to find out how many of them were built in the area and learned it was created in World War II. The previous owners filled it in before constructing the home!

More Research

More Research


Sir John Anderson

During World War II, Sir John Anderson decided to prepare the county for war. In 1938, he came up with a genius strategy to protect his citizens from the bombings. It truly was a work of art!

Sir John Anderson

Sir John Anderson


Backyard Shelters

Sir John Anderson had engineers create inexpensive and simple underground shelters for people to bury in the backyard. They were close to the home, so the British citizens had time to shelter immediately from bomb threats. Those structures used flexible, lightweight material, but that’s not what Simon found!

Backyard Shelters

Backyard Shelters


New Design

Gerald looked at the chambers and knew Anderson hadn’t designed this particular bomb shelter. It was built in the same period, and a bomb had landed near to it. The citizens had learned that their city was targeted and became scared.

New Design

New Design


The Stronger Structure

The people had to come together to create a community shelter that could handle air raids. Simon’s dad realized that’s what his son had because there were two rooms, and the structure used bricks and concrete in its construction.

The Stronger Structure

The Stronger Structure



There was a newspaper clipping left in one of the hidden rooms. The most prominent headline read: “Luton Airport – Is This the End?” Clearly, it was from the World War II era, and other articles talked about the situations within the war-torn country.





Simon and Gerald found evidence that proved it was a bomb shelter with water and food inside to sustain the people living there. Most underground shelters housed multiple people for many days at a time.




Brick and Mortar

Mortar and brick reinforced the concrete walls, adding another buffer to protect people from air raids. Though the father-son pair had uncovered so much history, they weren’t done yet. They were only 5 feet down, but there were another 5 feet to go!

Brick And Mortar

Brick And Mortar


The Second Discovery

As they continued digging, they noticed that one wall was bricked up. Simon didn’t think they’d find more rooms, but he couldn’t be sure. Still, he told his father that they should leave everything alone; then, the story went viral!

The Second Discovery

The Second Discovery


Reporters Galore

Simon and his father continued digging, and neighbors soon flooded the driveway. Reporters followed suit quickly because they all wanted to see this historical discovery. However, Simon wasn’t happy with the attention and only cared about his house’s safety.

Reporters Galore

Reporters Galore


The Piece of History

Overall, Simon knew how important it was for the world to know what he found. He felt obligated to show the rich history of his country. Therefore, he couldn’t let people forget about it and wanted to preserve this air-raid shelter.

The Piece Of History

The Piece Of History


Never Forgotten

Simon and his dad want to preserve and restore the shelter, listing it as a historical monument. The war is over, but the era can’t be buried. Continue reading to learn what might be ruining your home!

Never Forgotten 

Never Forgotten


Cleaning Grout

Most people think that bathroom cleaners are similar, but they aren’t. You shouldn’t use toilet bowl cleaner on your grout because it’s not as strong as porcelain. Only use gentle cleaning products for those areas.

Cleaning Grout

Cleaning Grout


Where to Spray

Spray cleaners should not be spritzed onto the surface directly. Instead, you should spray them into a paper towel or sponge before wiping the counter. That way, you don’t get that nasty film on your countertops and appliances.

Where To Spray

Where To Spray


Clean Gutters

Debris, such as dead leaves and dirt, could build up in your home’s gutters. This is a bad thing because they are what move the water away from your roof. Ensure they’re cleaned periodically so that rainwater has somewhere to go.

Clean Gutters

Clean Gutters


Remove the Vines

Most people like the appearance of vines on the house. They look pretty, but they could be the home for many bugs. Sometimes, the vines trap water, and it can’t escape. Therefore, it gets into the home and causes various problems.

Remove The Vines

Remove The Vines


Dry after Showers

When you get out of the tub or shower, make sure you dry yourself off quickly. You shouldn’t walk around and drip water because it could damage your wooden floors. They might warp and buckle because of the moisture.

Dry After Showers

Dry After Showers


Dishwasher Drains

Many newer dishwasher brands offer a self-clean feature, which is great for homeowners. That can save you plenty of time, but it’s not enough. Find the filter in your machine (at the bottom) and manually clean the gunk out so that water can flow easily.

Dishwasher Drains

Dishwasher Drains


Loose Tree Branches

Check your property before a severe storm comes in. You can often learn of them by watching the news or weather channel in your area. Find branches that could break and trim them first so that you protect your property from damage.

Loose Tree Branches

Loose Tree Branches


Keep Your Downspout

The downspout sits at the side of the house and looks unsightly. Most homeowners want to beautify their spaces, so they remove it. This could be a bad thing because it keeps water away from the foundation! It’s best to just leave it alone!

Keep Your Downspout

Keep Your Downspout


Proper Grill Placement

You can’t imagine summertime without a backyard barbecue. However, before you light up the grill, make sure that it’s about 3 feet away from your home, vehicle, trees, and other flammable items. Thousands of house fires could have been prevented if the grill wasn’t so close to the structure.

Proper Grill Placement

Proper Grill Placement


Stud Finders

It’s unwise to put nails wherever you want on the wall when hanging something heavy. They need more structure, so you should always hammer the nail into a stud. Use a stud finder to make it easier for yourself!

Stud Finders

Stud Finders


Furniture Pads

Hardwood flooring looks beautiful, but heavy furniture can damage it. Therefore, consider using furniture pads beneath your items. That way, you reduce the risk of scratches, and the furniture slides around easily.

Furniture Pads

Furniture Pads


Fireplace and Chimney Cleaning

Many homeowners use their fireplaces and chimneys in winter. However, you should have them inspected and clean them regularly, especially before the next cold season. Otherwise, you reduce air quality and could start a fire in either part.

Fireplace And Chimney Cleaning

Fireplace And Chimney Cleaning


Mulch Strategically

Mulch-based landscapes look beautiful, but they can be damaging to your home’s foundation. The mulch holds more moisture, so make sure you keep it about 3 feet away from the foundation for the best results.

Mulch Strategically

Mulch Strategically