Mom Gives Birth to Triplets, Doctor Couldn’t Believe What He Saw

Published on April 26, 2022
In most cases, pregnancy has some type of risk, even when things happen smoothly. However, when you give birth to multiples, things are even more frightening, and triplets can be tough.

Though everyone always hopes for the best, Cynthia is one case where things got pretty difficult. She was pregnant with triplets, and before she gave birth, she got some unsettling news from her doctor. On top of it all, the father of the babies was not there.

What did the doctor have to say to Cynthia? Were the triplets okay? Where was the father? All will be revealed, below!

A Hard Birth

Ever since Cynthia found out she was pregnant with triplets, she was worried about the birth. She knew that the pain would be tough to deal with, plus she knew her life was about to change forever. As she felt labor coming on, she rushed to the hospital.

A Hard Birth

A Hard Birth

The Babies Are Born

The total time it took for all three babies to be delivered was only four hours, and as soon as they were born, they were rushed away from Cynthia. She didn’t know where her children were, but could see there was something wrong when the doctor said, “I’m not sure how to say this…”

The Babies Are Born

The Babies Are Born


Cynthia and Johnny Carlton

Cynthia and Johnny were a couple that everyone admired. They were high school sweethearts, went off to college, and got married a couple of years later. They had been together a total of 10 years, and they had a daughter, Naomi, who idolized her parents.

Cynthia and Johnny Carlton

Cynthia and Johnny Carlton


Sweet Naomi

Johnny and Cynthia just adored their sweet 3-year old daughter, Naomi. She was the spitting image of Cynthia, and she had recently started pre-school and making friends. Little Naomi had a big wish, though, and she shared it with her Mom and Dad.

Sweet Naomi

Sweet Naomi


A Brother or a Sister

All little Naomi wanted was to have a brother or a sister. She would pretend that her baby dolls were a sibling, and she always talked about having a little child in the home to play with. Johnny and Cynthia had planned on having more kids, so perhaps it was time.

A Brother or a Sister

A Brother or a Sister


Let’s Have a Baby

Johnny and Cynthia decided that the time was right for a second child, and they decided that they would let fate decide if they got pregnant or not. They would love the baby, of course, and they knew Naomi would be ecstatic.

Let's Have a Baby

Let’s Have a Baby


No Birth Control

Getting pregnant just doesn’t happen overnight. Though they were a bit concerned about adding to their family, Cynthia decided to go off birth control. It would take a little time for her body to adjust and they were not in a rush.

No Birth Control

No Birth Control


Months Pass

Several months passed by without any sign of a pregnancy. The couple and Naomi continued to live as a small family, though something worrying was hovering over them. What was it?

Months Pass

Months Pass


Are There Regrets?

Cynthia was worried about her relationship. She felt like something was off, and she no longer felt the same spark she had felt in the past when it came to Johnny. In fact, she felt closer to a few men at work than she did to her husband. Things were about to get complicated.

Are There Regrets  

Are There Regrets


Feeling Sick

Soon after having these feelings, Cynthia had another feeling…one of nausea. She was weak and achy and felt like she was going to throw up. She surely had the flu, so she called a cab and headed to the doctor’s office.

Feeling Sick

Feeling Sick


The Doctor’s Exam

When she got to the doctor’s office, she told him about her symptoms, and he suspected something else…could she be pregnant? He asked if she would take a test, which she did, and then she waited for the results.

The Doctor's Exam

The Doctor’s Exam


Was She Pregnant?

Secretly, Cynthia was hoping that she wasn’t pregnant due to her marital issues. However, the doctor came back and confirmed the news. She also got an ultrasound and found out more shocking news — it was triplets.

Was She Pregnant?

Was She Pregnant?


This Wasn’t In the Plan

Before learning that she was pregnant, Cynthia had decided that she was going to leave her husband. It wasn’t going to work, and she was very unhappy. Now, though, everything had changed as she was expecting.

This Wasn't in the Plan

This Wasn’t in the Plan


What Should She Do?

Cynthia went home, and she just couldn’t process what she should do. Should she tell Johnny she was going to leave him but now would stay? Should she be silent and hope for a new start? She didn’t know.

What Should She Do?

What Should She Do?


She Decided to be Honest

Cynthia knew that she needed to be honest with her husband. So, when Johnny got home from work, she sat him down and told him that they were expecting triplets. He was so happy, but then she dropped a bomb — she was unhappy in the relationship.

She Decided To Be Honest

She Decided To Be Honest


Johnny Wanted It to Work

After listening to Cynthia, Johnny decided that he wanted the marriage to work. He told her that they should try for the sake of Naomi and their new babies, but then Cynthia had another thing to tell him.

Johnny Wanted It to Work

Johnny Wanted It to Work


She Cheated

Cynthia confessed that she had been cheating on him, and that she had been seeing another man for several months. She was hoping that he would see that her heart was no longer in the relationship.

She Cheated

She Cheated



After hearing this news, Johnny decided that divorce was the right thing to do. They entered into a custody battle over little Naomi, but as the triplets had not been born yet, they would have to fight that later. Ultimately, Cynthia got full custody of Naomi.




Happy, But Nervous

Cynthia was happy that she was going to be divorced and had custody of Naomi, but her lawyer cautioned that she may not get custody of the triplets. She was nervous.

Happy, But Nervous

Happy, But Nervous


Her Finances Could Ruin Everything

One of the main reasons she might not get custody of the triplets was her finances. She made enough to care for Naomi, but four kids? She would need to find a new job.

Her Finances Could Ruin Everything

Her Finances Could Ruin Everything


Johnny Could Afford It

Johnny had a good job, and Cynthia knew that he could financially support the triplets. Cynthia had started seeing a man named Eric, but he couldn’t be relied on for financial support. Had she made a big mistake leaving Johnny?

Johnny Could Afford It

Johnny Could Afford It


The Pregnancy Was Tough

In addition to all of this stress, Cynthia was going through a very tough pregnancy. Though Eric, her boyfriend, was helpful, her situation was pretty dire. She had no idea what was going to happen in the next couple of months.

The Pregnancy Was Tough

The Pregnancy Was Tough


Cynthia Felt Stuck

The months went by and nothing was getting better. Cynthia was on a budget, but she still wasn’t making more money. Eric was helping when he could, but they were worried about what was to come.

Cynthia Felt Stuck

Cynthia Felt Stuck


What About Naomi?

Naomi’s life had changed, too. She could see her dad, Johnny, on the weekends, and she liked his new girlfriend. Even though her parents were divorced, she could still see both of them, and Cynthia was happy about that.

What About Naomi ?

What About Naomi ?


The Due Date Approaches

Cynthia’s due date was coming up fast, and Eric took her to the hospital for observation since she had a high-risk pregnancy. Naomi was with Johnny, and Cynthia was really hoping for the best.

The Due Date Approaches

The Due Date Approaches


Things Were About to Get Awkward

Labor was starting, and Eric was at Cynthia’s side. Soon, Johnny and Naomi arrived. Things were a bit awkward with her boyfriend and ex-husband both attending the birth of her triplets.

Things Were About To Get Awkward

Things Were About To Get Awkward


A Difficult Birth

Giving birth to triplets is not easy, and as soon as they were born, the babies were whisked away for testing before anyone could see them. Doctors knew about the potential issue with paternity, as well, and both Eric and Johnny were eager to see the babies, too.

A Difficult Birth

A Difficult Birth


Mentally and Physically Exhausted

As labor was over, Cynthia was mentally and physically exhausted. She didn’t want to lose her babies to Johnny, and was worried that he would try to take them immediately.

Cynthia Was Mentally And Physically Exhausted

Mentally And Physically Exhausted


She Asked to See the Babies

A bit later, Cynthia felt better and she asked to see her babies. No one had seen them yet, as they didn’t know who the father was, but when Cynthia asked, the doctor stepped in with a message.

She Asked To See The Babies

She Asked To See The Babies


Cynthia Was Still Worried

Even though the doctor said nothing was life-threatening, Cynthia was still concerned. She wanted her babies to be healthy, and she was also worried that Johnny would try to take them.

Cynthia Was Still Worried

Cynthia Was Still Worried


What was Johnny Doing?

While Cynthia was lying there worrying, Johnny was still with Naomi. He took her to the waiting room, but Eric soon followed. He wanted to protect the babies, too.

What Was Johnny Doing ?

What Was Johnny Doing?


Cynthia Meets Her Babies

Finally, Cynthia is able to see her babies. The doctor brought them in and asked where Johnny was. He went off to find the potential father leaving Cynthia a moment alone with her children.

Cynthia Meets Her Babies

Cynthia Meets Her Babies


A Shock

As Cynthia was bonding with her triplets, the doctor came back in the room with Johnny at his side, tears running down his face. Johnny couldn’t even look at Cynthia nor the children. The doctor began to speak…

A Shock

A Shock


The Nurse

The doctor explained that one of the nurses was watching both Eric and Johnny throughout the day, and while she was doing normal newborn tests on the babies, she was shocked by how much the babies looked like Eric and not Johnny.

The Nurse

The Nurse


You are NOT the Father

Based on these observations, it was looking like Johnny was not the father of the triplets. So, they had to wait for Eric’s results to come in.

You Are NOT The Father

You Are NOT The Father


The Father of the Triplets

The truth was out. Eric was the father, not Johnny. Cynthia wouldn’t have to worry about Johnny trying to take her babies, and she had full custody of Naomi already, so she wasn’t as worried as she once was.

The Father of the Triplets

The Father of the Triplets


Johnny Leaves

Since he didn’t really have a reason to stay any longer, he left the hospital. He had to call his lawyer to let him know that the paternity test showed that he was not the father of the triplets.

Johnny Leaves

Johnny Leaves


Eric Meets His Children

As soon as Johnny left, Eric was free to meet his triplets. Cynthia was so happy, as this was the best case scenario. She was divorced from Johnny, and happy to have a family with the man she loved, Eric.

Eric Meets His Children

Eric Meets His Children


A Happy Ending

Cynthia and her family had a happy ending. Within months of the triplets being born, their lives greatly improved. Eric found a good job, Cynthia didn’t have to worry about Johnny taking the babies, and Naomi could see both of her parents.

A Happy Ending

A Happy Ending