Animal Rescue Team Helping A Dog Are Stunned At Her Reaction To Their Help

Published on March 8, 2021
One of the most heartbreaking sights in the world is an animal in pain. Animal rescuers have to deal with seeing a lot of animal suffering on a daily basis. Organization Hope for Paws received a phone call one day from someone who found an abandoned German Shepard. Her story will truly bring you to the brink of tears.

Under a Car

The stray was found by the Hope for Paws team on a gloomy day. The German Shepard was found alone and scared in a parking lot, hiding under a car in order to keep away from people.

Under A Car

Under A Car

Feeling Safe

One of the rescue workers, Loreta, began to approach the frightened dog. She knew that she had to approach the scared dog in a way that wouldn’t frighten the dog even more. She also had to make sure to follow the proper protocol in order to make sure she stayed safe as well.

Feeling Safe

Feeling Safe


Crying Dog

As Loreta approached the German Shepard, she heard a heartbreaking sound: the poor dog started crying. The team was filming the whole scene, which they later posted on their YouTube channel.

Crying Dog

Crying Dog


Calming Down

The rescuers decided it was time to show the dog that she was safe with them. They offered her a cheeseburger, which at first she did not seem interested in. However, it did manage to get her to stop crying, which was a good start.

Calming Down

Calming Down


The Mysterious Dog

The dog’s identity was quite mysterious, and that meant the team needed to be quite careful with her, as they were not sure what she was capable of. Would she suddenly attack? Loreta wanted to help the dog, but she knew that she had to be extremely careful throughout the whole ordeal.

The Mysterious Dog

The Mysterious Dog


The Game Plan

When trying to rescue a dog, patience is one of the most important tools you need to use. The dog was quite large, which concerned the team greatly. They knew there was a chance that she could become aggressive as a defense mechanism.

The Game Plan

The Game Plan


Aggressive Nature

In many cases, a frightened dog will turn to aggressiveness and perhaps even attack. That’s why it is absolutely crucial to be careful when trying to handle a scared, abandoned dog. If the dog feels threatened, he or she will act accordingly.

Aggressive Nature

Aggressive Nature


The Cheeseburger

It was a total coincidence that the team had a cheeseburger on hand when they encountered the German Shepard. They managed to use it as a tool to help them indicate to the dog that they just wanted to help. However, they thought it was very odd that the cheeseburger didn’t help coax her out from under the dog she was hiding under.

The Cheeseburger

The Cheeseburger


Not Trusting

In their previous experiences, the team was used to seeing stray dogs running towards food with zero hesitation. After the German Shepard did not budge towards the cheeseburger, they knew that she must have been absolutely beyond terrified. Luckily, they did not give up.

Not Trusting

Not Trusting


Trying Their Best

Loreta was trying her best to loop a leash around the dog’s neck without scaring or intimidating her further. If she noticed the dog was indicating that she was scared, she let go of the rope. She was trying her best to build trust with the dog. Suddenly, the dog bolted from under the car.

Trying Their Best

Trying Their Best


Her Safe Haven

The German Shepard dashed off and made her way to a small passageway between two buildings behind the van. A second team member named Eldad decided to take a net and place is at the points of entry in the small space.

Her Safe Haven

Her Safe Haven


The Waiting Game

Eldad was standing by one of the entrances to the spot while Loreta stood at the other side. The whole rescue team was being filmed on Eldad’s phone. You could see that the rescuers were all doing their best to try to help the frightened dog.

The Waiting Game

The Waiting Game


More Whining

While in her safe spot, the dog began to whine and cry loudly again. Loreta was still trying her best to get her out of the spot. It was an incredibly tough experience for all involved, as the dog’s cries were absolutely heartbreaking.

More Whining

More Whining


A Calmer Moment

The German Shepard hung her ears down low, indicating to Loreta that she was scared and uncomfortable. Luckily, Loreta and Eldad were not in a rush and were ready to take however much time she needed to calm down enough to be helped. As time passed, she began to get calmer.

A Calmer Moment

A Calmer Moment


Catching Her

Once she calmed down, Loreta was able to easily put the leash around her neck. The dog was still visibly shaken, but she was cooperative. They finally were successful in catching her, so now it was time to head to the vet’s clinic.

Catching Her

Catching Her


As Gentle as Possible

Loreta and Eldad made sure that they treated the stray with utmost care and were as gentle as possible with her. They did not want her to become more frightened than she already was, which is why they let her take as much time as she needed to feel more comfortable.

As Gentle As Possible

As Gentle As Possible



The Hope for Paws team were experienced enough to know the right way to handle the situation without overwhelming the dog further. If she had become more frightened, their mission’s difficulty would have doubled. They used words of encouragement to help her feel safe.




Naming Her

The team thought long and hard about what to name her, and they finally decided that the perfect name for her would be Rain, as they had found her on a rainy day. As they transferred her to the vet and the shelter, she still had her tail between her legs, so they knew they had to continue being gentle with her.

Naming Her

Naming Her


Tucking Her Tail

Rain tucked her tail, which was a sign that she was still very scared. She was still unsure of what was happening, but with the team’s experience and expertise, she slowly began to trust that they were not trying to hurt her.

Tucking Her Tail

Tucking Her Tail


Making Progress

Eldad thought it would be a good idea to add a second leash to her neck as a precaution. He pet Rain as he did this, so she would not be scared. The whole team hoped she would trust that she was in good hands. They finally brought her to the shelter and placed her in a crate.

Making Progress

Making Progress


Still Frightened

When the team first approached Rain, she was beyond terrified. As they progressed with her, she began to let her guard down. Now at the shelter, the difference in her demeanor was huge. However, she was still scared and would yelp every once in a while.

Still Frightened

Still Frightened


Still Apprehensive

Once the Hope for Paws team saw that Rain allowed Eldad to pet her, they knew that they had reached a breakthrough. Her body language was now indicating that although she was still apprehensive, she was willing to cooperate and let them help her.

Still Apprehensive

Still Apprehensive


Feeling Uneasy

As Loreta and Eldad headed back towards the car, they were feeling excited but nervous. They could tell that although Rain was now cooperating, she could change her mind at any minute. While she was more trusting and cooperative, she still was not fully trusting them.

Feeling Uneasy

Feeling Uneasy


In the Cage

Getting Rain out of the car was also a challenge, but slowly and surely, they managed to get her out. Eventually they were able to bring her to her new crate. Once she was secure, the team was able to head towards the clinic.

In The Cage

In The Cage


A Kind Face

The woman who called the Hope for Paws team was Cary Linnell. She wanted to bring in experts to help in the situation. However, once the team was able to catch Rain, she ran into the woman’s arms.

A Kind Face

A Kind Face


She Trusted Cary

It was clear to the team that Rain trusted Cary, which was a huge relief to the team. Rain was much calmer and seemed to feel a lot safer and protected when Cary was around.

She Trusted Cary

She Trusted Cary


Feeling Relieved

The team was very pleased with Rain’s reaction towards Cary. They weren’t sure why she felt so comfortable with Rain, but they were thrilled to see Rain so relieved and calm while she was around Cary.

Feeling Relieved

Feeling Relieved


Going to be Alright

As with many stray animals that are rescued, it was clear that she just wanted to feel okay. It wasn’t totally clear what the poor pup had been through before she was rescued, but it seemed clear that she had been mistreated, due to her scared behavior.

Going To Be Alright

Going To Be Alright



After everything they had experienced while trying to coax Rain from under the car, they were really surprised to see how she reacted towards Cary. After some time, Rain looked super calm, which was a huge improvement from the start.




At Ease

It was so unclear why Rain was suddenly feeling so at ease. Perhaps it was the woman who had called them about her, or the soft pillows in the crate. Whatever the reason, the team was thrilled that her temperament had improved so much.

At Ease

At Ease


No More Tears

Once Rain was safely in the crate, she looked so much calmer. It was the most relaxed the team had seen her since the beginning of the day. She was suddenly like a different dog altogether.

No More Tears

No More Tears


Already Improving

As Loerta took a look at Rain in side the crate, she could see the dog was looking happier, and possibly even smiling. Rain seemed to understand that she was in good hands, which made the team incredibly happy.

Already Improving

Already Improving


A Curious Dog

The team moved her crate to the car and they noticed that she seemed very curious about where she was. She looked around and tried to get a sense of her surroundings. She also remained calm while inside the crate.

A Curious Dog

A Curious Dog


A Bath and a Burger

Once she was safely in the crate, she was finally ready to eat the cheeseburger that the team had offered her initially. She was now thrilled to receive the food, as she was wagging her tail as she ate. She looked so happy and calm.

A Bath And A Burger

A Bath And A Burger


Like a Brand-New Dog

After she was fully tested and groomed, it seemed like Rain was ready for a new chapter in her life. There was no doubt that she would be able to find a family that would give her the life she deserved.

Like A Brand New Dog

Like A Brand New Dog


Getting the Attention

It was pretty unbelievable to see how Rain had completely changed from the dog they had first encountered under the car. She had changed from a frightened and untrusting dog to a loving and friendly dog who loves getting attention and cuddles.

Getting The Attention

Getting The Attention


Her First Time At The Spa

It was clear that this was the first time in her life that Rain had experienced the doggy spa. It was clear to the team that she was having an incredible time. By the end of the treatment, she looked like a brand new dog. It was amazing to see.

Her First Time At The Spa

Her First Time At The Spa



Although she was now clean and nourished, Rain still needed to relearn how to be around humans again after she was mistreated in her past. The team wanted to make sure that she was going to be totally ready when a forever family was ready to take her home.




Sweet and Cuddling

Rain quickly became to most loving and cuddly rescue dog that the Hope for Paws team had ever seen. She can absolutely never get enough cuddles. The improvement and strides she made are truly incredible.

Sweet And Cuddling

Sweet And Cuddling


The Right Place

From the way that she reacted to the rescuers at first, it was clear that Rain had experienced a traumatic experience. With their help, love, and care, they were able to show her that she can be loved. Rain is finally in the right place for her.

Still Frightened

The Right Place


Another Heartbreaking Story

Abandoned dogs often end up in pretty bad shape, which is why it is much more difficult for them to get adopted. Winter was rescued and moved into a shelter in Baltimore. She quickly became known at the least adoptable dog at the shelter. She had no idea what was in store for her.

Another Heartbreaking Story

Another Heartbreaking Story


The State She Was In

Winter ended up at BARCS, a Maryland-based rescue shelter. A spokesperson at the shelter shared: “She was in there with no food, water or fresh air for a week. Winter had been eating the drywall.” The rescuers didn’t know “whether that was because she was starving hungry, or as an attempt to escape.”

The State She Was In

The State She Was In


Getting Her Healthy Again

Winter was an older dog and since she is a pit bull, she is sadly seen as “scary” by many potential adopters. Although saving her meant using a lot of time and resources, the shelter didn’t think twice about it. BARCS made sure to nurse her back to health.

Getting Her Healthy Again

Getting Her Healthy Again


Part Of A Puppy Mill

It became very clear to the rescue team that Winter was most likely a puppy mill survivor, where she was used for constant breeding. Since she is a pure breed pit bull, she was used to have as many puppies as possible under inhumane conditions.

Part Of A Puppy Mill

Part Of A Puppy Mill


Low Hanging Belly

The team immediately noticed that Winter has a low hanging belly, which indicated that she had gone through many pregnancies. It also meant that many people who came to the shelter looking to adopt would overlook Winter. The shelter began to worry about her finding a home.

Low Hanging Belly

Low Hanging Belly


Passed Up

According to the shelter, “due to her age, her belly is not something that will ever tighten up. Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter.” Winter was already six years old, which in human years in 42 years old. Older dogs are often overlooked at the shelter.

Passed Up

Passed Up


Mistreated Breeds

Pit bulls are frequently used for puppy mills as well as dog fighting rings. NFL quarterback Michael Vick was caught running a dog fighting ring, and he was eventually sentenced to 21 months in prison. A lot of NFL players have a bad reputation when it comes to dogs.

Mistreated Breeds

Mistreated Breeds


Bad Reputation

Another negative side effect of pit bulls being put through dog fighting rings is the fact that now people associate them with aggressive behavior. Pit bulls that are not mistreated are very loving and loyal.

Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation


Winter’s Post

Despite the odds, Winter was finally adopted. BARCS shared her “Happy Tail” in a Facebook post: “Beautiful Winter is a dog who has spent most of her six years of life falling into sad, unfortunate situations. She was found on a vacant property, on a hot day with no electricity, or open windows. She was dehydrated and extremely frightened. Winter has a long, hanging belly, most likely a result of over breeding–something we see far too often at our shelter.”

Winter's Post

Winter’s Post


A Special Visit

In June 2016, two NFL players along with one of their girlfriends showed up at BARCS. The two men were a bit intimidating to some of the employee’s due to their statures. However, they completely softened up when one of the players said: “We are looking for a dog that’s been here a long time and maybe not-so-adoptable.”

A Special Visit

A Special Visit


The Players

The players that showed up were Ronnie Stanley, an offensive tackle for the Baltimore Ravens, and his girlfriend Emily. Fellow NFL rookie Alex Lewis also joined them. The rescue team were so happy that they were interested in the often overlooked dogs.

The Players

The Players


Unadoptable Or Not

Ronnie took a look at all of the dogs that were up for adoption, one dog caught his eye. He looked past all of the “undesirable” qualities that were problematic to other people. BARCS shared that: “Female dogs with such characteristics are often passed by in our shelter, but not by Ronnie!”

Unadoptable Or Not

Unadoptable Or Not


Taking Her Home

The shelter’s employees told Ronnie about Winter’s low hanging belly, but that absolutely did not change his mind. He said: “Well, that’s just what happens when you’ve had babies.” No matter what, he was not deterred

Taking Her Home

Taking Her Home


An Instant Connection

Ronnie was featured on Animal Planet’s Stars to the Rescue where he said: “To be able to help a dog in need. I always had planned on doing. Some of my teammates, I told them I was looking to adopt a dog and BARCS was the place they suggested.” Winter immediately took to Ronnie, and he signed up for the adoption course at BARCS and then took her home.

An Instant Connection

An Instant Connection


Adoption Role Model

In a Facebook post, BARCS said: “We are so proud to have amazing guys like Ronnie to be role models to the kids in our city. Not only does his single act of kindness make adoption cool, but it makes giving love to an imperfectly perfect dog a ‘manly’ thing to do.”

Adoption Role Model

Adoption Role Model


The Teammate

Alex Lewis was the Ravens teammate who joined Stanley at the shelter the day he adopted Winter. While he didn’t adopt a dog that day, he wasn’t stranger to rescue dogs. He had previously worked at an animal shelter while he was in college. He also volunteered at BARCS while Stanley was enrolled at the adoption course.

The Teammate

The Teammate


A New Season

Stanley decided that in order for Winter to move on to the next chapter of her life, he wanted to give her a new name. He decided to name her Lola, saying: “I sought after one of their older dogs that probably wasn’t going to get adopted. Just like I got drafted by the Ravens, I wanted Lola to have that same feeling of being wanted when I adopted her.”

A New Season

A New Season


Remaining Issues

Sadly, Lola was still struggling with bouts of post traumatic stress disorder, but Stanley was fully prepared for that. He does everything in his power to help her get through her issues and believed it was his job to help her feel safe. With lots of love and affection, Lola was on her path to recovery.

Remaining Issues

Remaining Issues


A Happy Family

While Lola’s situation is much better than it was before, Stanley was aware of the fact and fully ready to accept that she may never be a fully adjusted and perfectly well behaved dog. He is very okay with this, and even adopted another dog from BARCS. He renamed him Rico, and they are a happy family.

A Happy Family

A Happy Family


Adoption Champion

Stanley has made sure to spread the word about adopting pets from shelters. He said: “If you’re thinking about getting a dog, definitely go to the shelter first. I think rescue dogs are more appreciative.” He also participates in fundraisers and organizations that help animals in need.

Adoption Champion

Adoption Champion