Vet Sees Something Strange with Kittens after Cat Gives Birth

Published on March 23, 2022
Everyone knows that cats are fantastic creatures. The furry companions come with many surprises. One cat, Musya, shocked her owner and the entire veterinary team whenever she gave birth.

The shocking surprise came as they saw her feeding her kitten babies. The feline was a beloved resident of the Sadgorod Zoo. She was just 1 year old at the time and had an unusual name.

This poor kitty fell pregnant unexpectedly, and everyone wanted her to be safe and healthy. What happened to the cat after she gave birth baffled everyone. What could possibly have happened to shock them all?!

The Missing Cat

Musya wasn’t alone, even when she wandered around the zoo. That’s why the employees became nervous when they hadn’t seen the little cat for a few days. The hunt was launched for this missing feline, with everyone hoping she was found safe.

The Missing Cat

The Missing Cat

A Different Animal

Musya actually became a zoo resident by mistake. One zookeeper saw her while working. Alice originally saw the beautiful cat in the snow. At first, she believed it was dirt in the snow because the cat had black fur.

A Different Animal

A Different Animal


The Tiny Kitty

After realizing that this black object was a cat, Alice put her in a jacket and ran to find the veterinarians. When she was under appropriate care, the professionals did what they could to keep the beautiful cat alive.

The Tiny Kitty

The Tiny Kitty


Everyone Loved Her

It shocked everyone to learn that Musya made it through the night. It wasn’t long before she became powerful because she was a fighter. Soon, she had a place in everyone’s heart. In fact, the zoo staff adored her, but a zoo wasn’t the best place for the cat.

Everyone Loved Her

Everyone Loved Her


Sneaking Away

Alice took full responsibility for Musya, taking her on regular walks through the zoo. However, the cat had to be on a leash because the employee feared that she could get into one of the enclosures and get hurt. That went on for about a year.

Sneaking Away

Sneaking Away



The cat finally found a way to sneak out alone after being in the zoo employee’s care for a year. Everyone panicked when they learned that she had gone missing. Alice searched the many enclosures but couldn’t find her.




Returning Home

Musya finally returned home to the zoo after a few days. She pawed at the door to make her presence known. Everyone was so happy to see her come back safe, but something odd happened when she got back.

Returning Home

Returning Home


Seeing the Change

Once Musya got back to the zoo, the employees saw a change in her. They thought it was weird that she was cranky and lethargic all the time. She had always been playful and sweet, so it was odd behavior for the young cat.

Seeing The Change

Seeing The Change


Something’s Not Right

Many of the employees at the zoo claimed that it was like they had a new cat and not Musya. The cat immediately dropped to the floor at times, lying there for hours. She wasn’t energetic and playful like she had been, and everyone believed something was wrong.

Something's Not Right

Something’s Not Right


Missing Again

Alice went into the staff-room one day to get a cup of tea. She also used that time to cuddle with Musya. However, she couldn’t find the cat in the room, even though that’s where she had been left. Musya was missing again!

Missing Again

Missing Again


Looking for Musya

This time, the weather was particularly bad, so it made things worse. It was storming, and people heard thunder rumbling, too. The staff members realized that it was crucial to get Musya under shelter as soon as they could.

Looking For Musya

Looking For Musya


Looking Everywhere

The zoo was huge, so it was a challenge to locate the single cat. There were many enclosures to check, as well as cars and parking areas. It just didn’t seem likely that the cat might venture outside of the zoo.

Looking Everywhere

Looking Everywhere


Not Alone

Alice searched high and low for Musya and heard a noise. This zoo employee walked past a wooded area close to the lion enclosure, and she finally saw the cat. Musya was in a bush and wasn’t alone. Something was on her chest.

Not Alone

Not Alone


A Big Surprise

Musya was found with four tiny kittens. Everyone at the zoo was shocked to see them, but that wasn’t the only thing. Something had slipped onto the cat’s chest. The cat seemed to have baby hedgehogs cuddling with her.

A Big Surprise

A Big Surprise


Getting a Box

One employee quickly grabbed a blanket and box to put all of the animals in. It was their main priority to keep the animals safe and away from harm. Alice picked up each hedgehog and kitten carefully and put them into the box.

Getting A Box

Getting A Box


Going to the Vet

Alice knew that it was a good idea to get Musya checked out by a local veterinarian. She took the kittens, hedgehogs, and mama cat with her. The vet hadn’t seen anything like that before and had some things to talk about after the examination.

Going To The Vet

Going To The Vet


Undoing the Hard Work

The vet separated Musya from the hedgehogs and kittens, and she didn’t like it. When she was alone, she undid all of that hard work of separating them all. She put the hedgehogs and kittens together, allowing them to drink all of her milk.

Undoing The Hard Work

Undoing The Hard Work


Not the Best Idea

It was clear from her behavior that Musya wanted to be the mom for the hedgehogs and kittens. While Alice was fascinated by it all, she didn’t think it was a good idea. The kittens might get hurt from the prickly hedgehogs.

Not The Best Idea

Not The Best Idea


Another Separation

Alice chose to separate them all again. However, the hedgehogs didn’t want to get fed by a bottle, so Alice realized it wasn’t the best idea to keep them apart from each other. Still, the situation was puzzling because they didn’t know where these hedgehogs had come from.

Another Separation

Another Separation


An Accident

Alice discovered where those hedgehogs came from and why their mother wasn’t there. She remembered the lawnmower accident and figured the hedgehogs had been alone for a few days. Then, Musya came to rescue them.

An Accident

An Accident


Raising Hedgehogs

Nobody knew when the cat began mothering the hedgehogs. Was it before or after she gave birth to the kittens? Regardless, she adopted them and made them her own. The zoo staff decided to build a little enclosure for this odd family.

Raising Hedgehogs

Raising Hedgehogs


A Viral Story

This was a very peculiar tale, so it went viral immediately when it was shared online with the public. The cute images of this odd family attracted tons of attention. Everyone felt that Musya was gentle and caring to others.

A Viral Story

A Viral Story


A Happy Family

When the story went viral, the family life continued for the cat. The hedgehogs are now grown up, but Musya is still around them all the time to watch out for them. She travels to the enclosure to make sure they’re okay.

A Happy Family

A Happy Family


Not the Only One

While it seems like Musya’s story was a once-in-a-lifetime thing, it’s not the only one. Rosinka was another cat that made headlines in Russia when she adopted a baby squirrel monkey. Fyodor’s mom rejected it, so a zookeeper brought it home.

Not The Only One

Not The Only One


Bad Reputation

Cats often have a bad reputation of being minions and not companions. However, that’s not altogether true. Cat owners and lovers rave about their pets all the time, and that proves that everyone should listen to what they’re saying!

Bad Reputation

Bad Reputation


Benefits of Cat Ownership

Studies show that you can lower your heart disease risk and enhance your sleep if you own a cat or are around felines. Plus, cats have relaxed personalities, so you may experience less tension and anxiety.

Benefits Of Cat Ownership

Benefits Of Cat Ownership


A Cat’s Call

Some cartoons show cats in trees in need of rescue because they climbed up too high. This does happen at times, and people call the fire department for assistance. That’s what happened for the fire department in Colorado Springs, but it wasn’t for cats or dogs.

A Cat's Call

A Cat’s Call


Animal Rescue Assistance

A call came in about someone requiring animal rescue assistance. The fire department sent a team out quickly because they wanted to save these poor animals. However, they didn’t expect what happened next!

Animal Rescue Assistance

Animal Rescue Assistance


Unknown Animals

When the team got on the scene, they weren’t sure what animals they might handle. Once they got there, they found that the poor animals were in a storm grid. Things could end badly, so they had to be fast!

Unknown Animals

Unknown Animals


The Storm Grid

This storm grid wasn’t deep, so the fire department team spotted the animals. They were small but still couldn’t get out alone. Therefore, the firefighters started the rescue with the plan to send a couple of men in to get the poor creatures.

The Storm Grid

The Storm Grid


Only Babies

The firefighters worked hard to open the grid and get to the bottom. They heard the animals crying, and the team realized it was full of babies. This puzzled them because they didn’t know how such little creatures could get in there.

Only Babies

Only Babies


No Mom

The firefighters were confused about why these babies were in the storm grid. Where was the mother? The first thought was they were wild animals, but that wasn’t true. Something was very wrong here!

No Mom

No Mom


The Sticky Situation

The sewer was overwhelmed with trash, and you could tell the animals were cold and hungry. Everyone was surprised to find them still alive after being in those conditions. Those brave firefighters tried to get the animals out.

The Sticky Situation

The Sticky Situation


Being Abandoned

The team didn’t understand how the animals were alive. It was clear they were abandoned by their mother, which was sad. However, they had to be careful to ensure that these babies had a chance at survival!

Being Abandoned

Being Abandoned


The First Baby

It took time, but the team could finally pull a baby out of the grid. While it was in bad circumstances, it appeared like the animal might make it. However, everyone was shocked by the small size of this creature.

The First Baby

The First Baby


Barely Alive

The team tried hard, but they struggled to remove the rest of the baby animals from the storm grid alive. The first one was lying on a towel, and the firefighters worked on the others. However, those cries of fear started softening!

Barely Alive

Barely Alive


A Fox

It was clear that the first baby was a fox. While no one knew how long it was down there, it was already getting its strength back after getting out of that storm grid. However, what about the other creatures?!

A Fox

A Fox


Needing Help

The team of firefighters worked hard to rescue the other babies, and this fox was left alone. However, a friendly dog noticed it. Gina was known to roam the streets and wanted to see what the fuss was about!

Needing Help

Needing Help


To the Rescue

Gina was always coming to the rescue of other animals. That’s what she did for the poor fox on the towel. Before anyone stopped her, Gina cuddled up with the fox to keep it warm.

To The Rescue

To The Rescue


The Happy Ending

The baby fox ended up growing strong and healthy after it was rescued from the storm grid by the firefighters. Gina and her family ended up adopting the fox, and they all live together. Gina acts like the mama to Bambi, the pretty fox.

The Happy Ending

The Happy Ending