Waitress Refused to Serve a Customer, Is Shocked at What Happens Next

Published on March 27, 2023
You’ve probably been to a restaurant before where the waitstaff was exceptionally busy. Though you have to wait a bit, you know someone will get to you when they can. However, that didn’t happen for one man, who experienced something pretty unbelievable. This man was waiting in line for about 45 minutes for a table at a local restaurant. Once he got to the counter, the waitress refused to serve him. That confused the man, and he couldn’t think of why he would be turned away. In fact, he’d waited patiently for a long period and was quite shocked at the treatment. He left and felt exasperated by the whole ordeal. However, he chose to go back, and this is what happened.

Time Off

Karl Baker was thinking of what to do with his time off work to recharge and relax after a grueling 12-hour shift. He chose to sleep in, watch television at home, and then later get some delicious food. Sounds like a great plan, right?

Time Off

Time Off

Time for Lunch

When Karl woke up late, his adorable puppy greeted him. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was lunchtime. He enjoyed a cup of coffee at home and then decided to go to a local restaurant for brunch as a treat.

Time for Lunch

Time for Lunch


End of the Line

Karl got to the restaurant and saw the line to get seated. He stood waiting and realized that he sensed tension in the air. In his line of business, he was rarely mistreated, but no one here knew who he truly was.

End of the Line

End of the Line


A Bad Choice

The restaurant’s line was extremely long, and his hunger kept growing while he waited and stood around. He was quite picky about what he ate, so he hoped he’d like what the place served and what he’d ordered especially after such a long wait.

A Bad Choice

A Bad Choice


The Long Wait

Karl thought that the place must serve amazing food since the line was this long. When he got to the front for his turn, he was starving. However, he couldn’t know he’d be dealing with a situation that would significantly delay his meal.

The Long Wait

The Long Wait


Not a Good Day

When he reached the front, Karl gave the cashier a friendly greeting and started to say his order. However, she didn’t respond kindly. He thought she was having a bad day, continuing to be nice, but that didn’t improve anything.

Not a Good Day

Not a Good Day



When Karl gave his order, the waitress said that his preferred dish wasn’t available. Though disappointed, he chose another item. However, when he told her the new meal order, she claimed that no options were allowed.




Poor Attitude

Immediately, Karl became frustrated and confused. How could no dishes be available? The specials were shown on a chalkboard. If he had known that initially, he wouldn’t have stood in line and wasted his time!

Poor Attitude

Poor Attitude


Must Leave

Karl tried to understand what was happening, though the waitress rolled her eyes. He was hungry and told he now couldn’t eat, but he was upset by the woman’s attitude. He tried telling her off, and she demanded that he leave.

Must Leave

Must Leave


Making a Scene

Though the waitress told him to leave, Karl stood up for himself and asked to speak to a manager. Without a response, she called to the back. The manager now appeared, saying Karl was holding up the line for other diners.

Making a Scene

Making a Scene


The Manager

Karl started to understand why the workers were acting like this toward him. He denied the claims of holding up the line and said that it was already long when he got there. Likewise, he tried explaining to the manager what was going on, but she reacted strangely.

The Manager

The Manager


Laughing at Him

Karl tried to explain everything, and a cook came from the back to tell the manager something. As they spoke, the cook pointed directly at Karl, saying he should get removed from the restaurant and wouldn’t be served. The manager laughed.

Laughing at Him

Laughing at Him


Not Listening

Karl was highly frustrated because no one would listen, and the manager didn’t take him seriously. She said that the establishment wouldn’t serve someone “like him.” This astounded Karl, and he wondered what she had meant by the response.

Not Listening

Not Listening


Enough Was Enough

Karl had had enough now. He wouldn’t be polite and nice any longer. However, he tried explaining everything again and warned her that she should serve him like other customers. They were surprised by his next move!

Enough Was Enough

Enough Was Enough


Looking Down on Him

This manager was cold and arrogant, saying she didn’t have to explain anything and he must leave the establishment now. Karl wasn’t used to that type of treatment and felt that she was looking down on him.

Looking Down on Him

Looking Down on Him


No Uniform

Karl was aware that the restaurant workers and managers didn’t know his influence or who he was. He was walking around without the uniform, so he knew people wouldn’t be intimidated. He was upset and mistreated, so he decided to do something more.

No Uniform

No Uniform


The Audacity

He looked around for witnesses who had seen him turned away. Then, he realized everyone was staring at him, and this caused some embarrassment. Karl couldn’t understand why he was being mistreated.

The Audacity

The Audacity


Not Letting Go

Now, Karl realized that he couldn’t say anything else and left the restaurant. He was sad, hurt, angry, and humiliated by the ordeal. However, he couldn’t let things go, and he decided to come up with a plan.

Not Letting Go

Not Letting Go


Uniformed Man

Karl put on his uniform the following morning, though he had other things to do. Now, he must confront those who mistreated him the day before. This was his priority, but he was a little nervous about going back there.

Uniformed Man

Uniformed Man


His Appearance

After a necessary call-out, Karl went to the same restaurant again. He pulled the cruiser in and stepped out onto the parking lot. Everyone immediately felt his presence, and he walked into the establishment.

His Appearance

His Appearance


All Smiles

The staff members all greeted him politely, and the waitress from the day before was there, too. She finally started realizing who he was, and the smile faded. Now, she had a horrified look on her face, and he decided to talk to the manager.

All Smiles

All Smiles


Calling the Manager

He asked this cashier to call for the manager again, and he waited patiently for her to arrive. He was definitely in control of their situation. One hand held his radio, and the other was on his hip.

Calling the Manager

Calling the Manager


Going Viral

Karl’s story about his mistreatment at the establishment went viral. A restaurant representative did not try to deny the situation at all. She said that what he’d said was completely true.

Going Viral

Going Viral


The Consequences

When the restaurant representative heard about Karl’s situation, it was clear that they must do something to fix it. Would there be consequences for the mistreatment? What did the restaurant do?

The Consequences

The Consequences



The public responded in Karl’s favor. One person said that the man should have sued the restaurant, giving a price of $150,000, which is the amount one same-sex couple received from an Oregon bakery for not making a wedding cake.




Saving Face

Those in charge at the restaurant reached out to Karl, but he wouldn’t speak to them. Regardless, the establishment promised to investigate what had happened and rectify the situation no matter what.

Saving Face

Saving Face


The Outrage

The people who heard the story were outraged and furious to learn that the restaurant treated Karl so badly. It was a full breach of consumer rights. Everyone was on his side and agreed that the establishment had discriminated against him.

The Outrage

The Outrage


Already Done

Pete Feltham is a representative of the Alexandria Police Union, and he praised the restaurant for its quick apology. However, the damage was done, and people were angry at the establishment owners. Feltham claimed Karl handled things well.

Already Done

Already Done


No Turning Back

Though Feltham praised the establishment for the apology, the public wouldn’t forgive the restaurant. Its social media pages were filled with angry comments, and most people said everyone should steal from it. However, Karl was clear on the matter.

No Turning Back

No Turning Back


His Stance

Karl’s response focused on not being a fan of the “cancel culture.” He said he didn’t condone nor support criminal activities in response to what happened to him, and he was also against boycotting the establishment. In the end, he took the high road.

His Stance

His Stance


Facing Backlash

The restaurant had to make an official announcement because of the criticisms and backlash from the public. In the statement, it said that the opinions and actions from the staff were inexcusable and didn’t reflect the restaurant’s beliefs.

Facing Backlash

Facing Backlash


The Dismissal

Likewise, the announcement claimed that two of the employees involved had been in the wrong and had gotten terminated from their respective positions. The establishment emphasized that they respect all law enforcement.

The Dismissal

The Dismissal


The Extra Mile

The night manager of the restaurant tracked down Karl and offered a proper apology for what he had to endure. Allison Silberberg, the mayor of the town, heard about that and told everyone she could that she appreciated the gesture.

The Extra Mile

The Extra Mile


Police Department Reaction

The police chief also said he was angry about the situation, and it shocked him to hear of an officer being refused service. It was challenging because the police department had built a strong relationship with its community.

Police Department Reaction

Police Department Reaction


Being a Cop

The primary issue was that the restaurant only worried about the situation after they realized a police officer was the one mistreated. Without the uniform, Karl got no respect and was treated poorly.

Being a Cop

Being a Cop


Another Citizen

What might have happened if an average citizen had been the brunt of such discrimination? Would the restaurant have rectified it similarly? If he’d been a regular black man and not a police officer, would they have apologized and fired the perpetrators?

Another Citizen

Another Citizen


The Result

Karl used his police officer powers to fix the problem and ensure that the establishment faced the consequences for discrimination. However, this kind of behavior happens all the time, and it’s crucial to understand what to look for.

The Result

The Result


In the End

Everyone who saw what Karl went through that day stayed silent. No one tried to help or fix the problem. They only did something when they learned that he was a police officer, which is why the restaurant apologized.

In the End

In the End


Not Enough

Police officers clearly deserve respect, but ordinary citizens have that same right, even when they aren’t in a position of authority. It was not okay to treat Karl poorly because of his race.

Not Enough

Not Enough


Change Must Come

Society still has a long way to go before it eradicates discrimination entirely. With sympathy, consideration, and time, we can hopefully reach a point where your skin color doesn’t matter.

Change Must Come

Change Must Come