Woman Saw Something That Brought Her To Tears, Then Stood Up For Her Man

Published on November 17, 2022
She tried to do everything to keep from the tears flowing, but nothing helped. It was just too much. She tried to regain her composure and look the other way, but that’s when she heard somebody intervening. She never expected a stranger to get involved with everything going on, and while she was apprehensive about the whole situation. Wasn’t it already clear that she had been through enough? When she realized what was going on, she was completely stunned. This is what happened to her…


Meet Savannah Phillips

Those who know Savannah would describe her as someone who is incredibly passion and was always striving for her best both in her career and as a mother. However, that didn’t stop her internal voice from criticizing her, saying that despite everything, she still wasn’t good enough.

Meet Savannah Phillips

Meet Savannah Phillips

When She Flew

Whenever Savannah had to take a flight, she always tried to find a seat in an empty row. This particular flight was pretty full, and the fact that she was not in an empty row made her feel nervous.

When She Flew

When She Flew


Her Struggle with Low Self-Esteem

Throughout her whole life, Savannah struggled with her weight. She was bullied about it for so many years, and the hurtful comments contributed to her low self esteem. The body shaming she experienced truly took a toll on the way she felt about herself.

Her Struggle With Low Self Esteem

Her Struggle With Low Self Esteem


A Fear for Flying

Savannah was a very nervous flyer, and only did so when she absolutely had to for work when she didn’t have another choice. The one thing that helped make her feel better was sitting in an empty row, but obviously this was not always a possibility.

A Fear For Flying

A Fear For Flying


A Packed Flight

While booking her current flight, Savannah realized that the plane was already quite full. She decided to try again on the day of the flight, arriving early at the check-in desk in order to see if anyone had cancelled. However, she was informed that the flight was still very full.

A Packed Flight

A Packed Flight


An Unpleasant Feeling

It looked like Savannah’s least ideal flying circumstances would come to be and she was going to have to sit through a fully booked flight. Try as she might to speak to the woman at the check-in desk, there was no way to get around this issue.

An Unpleasant Feeling

An Unpleasant Feeling


Time to Board the Flight

As Savannah reached the gate and the boarding process began, she observed all of the passengers going by her. She felt like everyone was staring at her, which made her nervous already. Once she reached the boarding area, she was already filled with anxiety.

Time To Board The Flight

Time To Board The Flight


Growing Fear

As she stepped onto the plane, her fears just kept growing. The cabin continued to fill up with more and more people. Savannah tried to calm herself down as she reached her seat. She was seated by the window, and she let out a sigh as she got settled in her seat.

Growing Fear

Growing Fear


The Older Man

She was seated across from an older man who was sitting in aisle seat. It was clear to her that the man was looking at her and judging her for being overweight, and that he was on the verge of letting her know just what he was thinking.

The Older Man

The Older Man


Typing a Message

The man started typing a message on his phone, which normally Savannah would not even pay attention to. However, his front size was set to be much larger than normal, and the screen was on the brightest setting. She felt like he had done this so she could definitely see what he was typing.

Typing A Message

Typing A Message


A Shocking Discovery

Savannah saw exactly what he wrote, and she was absolutely shocked and hurt. He knew what he was doing, as he had angled his phone in an exact way that she would be able to read the message. What he had written was so shockingly painful.

A Shocking Discovery

A Shocking Discovery


Hiding Her Tears

After she read the message he typed, Savannah immediately turned away and looked out the window. She tried everything to keep it together and not cry, but she was so deeply hurt. What she didn’t know is that someone else saw what the man had done.

Hiding Her Tears

Hiding Her Tears


A Bully

The older man was not trying to hide the message, making it clear that his intentions were meant to be hurtful. The message he wrote sent Savannah all the way back to her high school days, when the bullies would treat her cruelly and say awful things to her.

A Bully

A Bully


Saving the Day

Savannah was staring out the window, feeling humiliated, when someone approached the older man and tapped his shoulder. A second man told him he needed to speak with with him. He insisted on switching seats, and the older man agreed to do so.

Saving The Day

Saving The Day


The Hero: Chase Irwin

Chase Irwin got settled in his new seat and he turned to Savannah. She felt so grateful for his act, and she could barely express how she was feeling. She decided to turn to social media and share the story on her Facebook page.

The Hero Chase Irwin

The Hero Chase Irwin


The Facebook Post

The reason she decided to share a post was in order to share how kind Chase had been. She decided to tell the story after the face online, even though it was tough because it almost felt like she was reliving the humiliating experience.

The Facebook Post

The Facebook Post


The Witness

She told the story about what the older man had written and that without her knowing, Chase had witnessed the whole ordeal. While she was absolutely mortified, Chase stepped in and saved the day by demanding to change seats. She said that this kind gesture helped her feel a million times better.

The Witness

The Witness


A Viral Post

Savannah couldn’t believe that her post became so popular. Countless people commented and left encouraging words to her, telling her now to let the old man’s cruel words get to her. Many praised Chase for his kindness as well.

A Viral Post

A Viral Post


Finding Chase

One of the best outcomes of the viral Facebook post was the fact that Savannah was able to find Chase after the flight. People who saw the post were able to find him, and it turned out that he was the manager of Dierks Bentley’s Whiskey Bar and Restaurant. Soon after, the media was very interested in this story.

Finding Chase

Finding Chase


The Reason

NewsChannel5 interviewed Chase, and he explained that he didn’t do what he did in order to get praise and recognition. He was genuinely angry about what the old man had done and he wanted to help comfort the crying woman he saw. He never imagined that he would get any publicity out of it.

The Reason

The Reason


Watching the Events Unfold

Chase explained that he had seen how the old man was acting towards her and he had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. Once he saw the message, Chase knew that he couldn’t just sit by and let this continue.

Watching The Events Unfold

Watching The Events Unfold


The Message

The message that the man had typed completely shocked Chase, and he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It turns out that the old man sent his wife a message saying that he was sitting next to a “smelly fatty” and that she was “flowing over his armrest” and it “made him sick.”

The Message

The Message


Recording the Event

Chase said that he had recorded what the man was typing on Snapchat and that he also saw Savannah reading the message. He went back and forth about whether he should confront the man or not, but ultimately he knew that stepping in was the right decision.

Recording The Event

Recording The Event


Against Discrimination

Chase explained that he couldn’t stand seeing anyone being discriminated against, and knew that he had to intervene on her behalf. He decided to let a flight attendant know what was going on before continuing on with his plan.

Against Discrimination

Against Discrimination


The Confrontation

Chase said that at first, when he confronted the man and he demanded that they switch seats, the man was very confused and asked why. He thought that maybe Chase was actually offering him a better seat.

The Confrontation

The Confrontation


Setting the Record Straight

Chase wanted to embarrass the older man for what he had done to Savannah, and so he told him outright that he is a heartless person. He told him that he saw the message he had written. The old man was absolutely shocked, and Chase quickly took the man’s seat before he could even respond.

Setting The Record Straight

Setting The Record Straight


What Chase Had to Say

Later, Savannah shared the whole experience. She said that Chase encouraged her not to take the man’s words to heart and that everything would be okay. It was clear that Chase was also quite shaken up from the whole experience.

What Chase Had To Say

What Chase Had To Say


An Angel in Disguise

Savannah’s post went on the receive more than 7000 likes and 1300 comments. Chase received thousands of messages, praising him for being so kind and for his intervention. So what happened next to Savannah?

An Angel In Disguise

An Angel In Disguise



Savannah shared that she had forgiven the man for the message her wrote, explaining that she has also said things throughout her life that she should not have. She didn’t write the Facebook post out of hate or spite, saying that it was done with the pure intention to find Chase.




Remains a Stranger

After the encounter on the plane, neither Chase nor Savannah had any further contact with the rude man on the plane. She has no idea who he is, and she said that she doesn’t want to know. The goal of sharing her story wasn’t to find him, but to praise Chase and show that there are kind people out there.

Remains A Stranger

Remains A Stranger


Raising Awareness

Chase gets all the credit in this story, as he acted with kindness and raced to correct a wrong that had been done. Savannah was able to increase awareness of how body shaming still goes on all the time.

Raising Awareness

Raising Awareness


Not the Only Story

Unfortunately, this is not the only story about body shaming that goes on, and there are plenty more stories. Sadly, many of them don’t have a happy ending with a hero coming to the rescue like with Chase and Savannah.

Not The Only Story

Not The Only Story


Savannah’s Self-Esteem

Savannah shared that she had always struggled with her confidence and self-esteem, and the bullying and fat shaming she experienced at school only made matters worse. The kids who bullied her didn’t realize just how damaging their words were, and how these words would leave a lasting mark on her.

Savannah’s Self Esteem

Savannah’s Self Esteem


Bullying in School

Bullying is a huge issue in schools, and many studies have been done in order to see the effect that bullying has on children. One study found that kids that experience body shaming at a young age may be more susceptible to long term obesity. This is why bullying should be taken very seriously.

Bullying In School

Bullying In School


The Older Man as the Bully

As we can see from Savannah’s story, some bullies never grow up. Some remain just as cruel as they were when they were kids on the playground. There was no reason for that old man to be so mean, and who knows what would have happened if Chase had not stepped in to intervene.

The Older Man As The Bully

The Older Man As The Bully


A Targeted Group

Airplane passengers are not the only ones who are participating in fat shaming on flights. There are some airlines that promote this kind of cruel behavior. There have been stories of overweight passengers being forced to stand during their flights instead of being seated.

A Targeted Group

A Targeted Group


It Gets Worse

There are some airlines that said that individuals over a certain weight should have to pay more for their plane ticket. A policy like that could easily spin out of control, and many people stand to get very hurt by this kind of policy.

It Gets Worse

It Gets Worse


Even More

While many industries including the beauty industry have had a hand in creating a society full of people with self-esteem, many sectors of this industry have also charged more for overweight clients, for example plus size fashion costing more than other clothing.

Even More

Even More


The Effects

This creates a society that views overweight people a certain way, which can allow for cruel treatment and torment to go on, often unchecked. This can take a huge toll on people’s mental health.

The Effects

The Effects


Posing a Problem

This cycle of treatment is causing many overweight people to experience depression. Despite what many people believe, fat shaming rarely encourages people to lose weight, but it does have long lasting harmful effects. Treating people kindly is always a better approach, since you can never know what is going on in somebody else’s life.

Posing A Problem

Posing A Problem