Absolutely Incredible Photos Captured By Drones

Published on November 15, 2022

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This striking photo captured the devastation created by a gorge that formed in the middle of Guatemala City. The 65 foot wide and 300 foot deep chasm swallowed up a 3 story factory. The gorge was caused as a result of tropical storm Agatha, which took place in 2010. The lack of regulations were the reason cited for the gorge’s appearance, and now the government is looking for solutions to prevent more tragedies like these.

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Plane Wreck

A drone flying over Morrison’s Quarry in Chelsea, Quebec was able to capture this amazing photo that showcases the treasures hidden beneath the waters here. Scuba divers can marvel at the sunken planes, cars, and tugboats located all around the seabed. This particular plane is said to be a prop used for a movie filmed at this location.

Plane Wreck

Plane Wreck