Pregnant Dog Can’t Give Birth and the Vet Soon Finds out Why

Published on March 9, 2023

A Misjudged Breed

Pit bulls are definitely a misunderstood breed and get a bad reputation. They have a muscular build, which gives the impression that they’re always aggressive. That’s usually not the case, but they still end up in shelters.

A Misjudged Breed

A Misjudged Breed

Actually Many Breeds

Most people don’t know it, but “pit bull” doesn’t refer to a single breed. It’s an umbrella term, in a sense, for many breeds within the same category. They include the American Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier, and the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Pit Bull Kisses

Pit Bull Kisses