Absolutely Incredible Photos Captured By Drones

Published on November 15, 2022

Stuck in Traffic

Getting stuck in traffic is always frustrating, especially when it’s on the highway. Can you imagine if you were trapped in bumper to bumper traffic like this on a 50-lane highway? This photo was taken at the Hong Kong border, also knowns as the Beijing-Hong-Kong-Macau Highway. The worst times of the year to travel here are holidays, and in 2010, people were stuck in a 12-day traffic jam on the China National Highway 110. What a total nightmare.

Stuck In Traffic

Stuck In Traffic

Sunny Side Up

Have you ever heard of people cooking eggs on the pavement during a heatwave? While this image might make you think that’s what’s going on here, it’s actually just a photo of sculptures located around East Lake in Wuhan, China. These amazing sculptures are truly an unexpected addition to this area.

Sunny Side Up

Sunny Side Up