Absolutely Incredible Photos Captured By Drones

Published on November 15, 2022

A Desolate Wonder

This deserted building found in the countryside of Republic of Abkhazia is a monument to tragedy. In the 1990s, the building was a key part of the Georgian Genocide, which included forced expulsion and massacre of more than 250,000 Georgian citizens that were ethnically cleansed from the country. It is heartbreaking to see a place that seems so peaceful and beautiful could have been the site of such a heartbreaking tragedy.

A Desolate Wonder

A Desolate Wonder

Waiting to Blossom

This image showcases a stunning temple of the Bahá’í faith located in Delhi, India. It was completed in 1986 and was given many awards for its incredible architecture. In 2001, CNN rated it as one of the most highly viewed locations on earth. The lotus flower shaped building is uniquely beautiful, and many tourists are drawn to it.

Waiting To Blossom

Waiting To Blossom